The Story Behind How Star Trek Created Klingon And Vulcan Is Great

The Story Behind How Star Trek Created Klingon And Vulcan Is Great

Star Trek went the extra mile in creating some of its alien languages like Klingon and Vulcan, giving them real form and grammar rather than simply creating gibberish. However, while the final product of these languages feels methodically crafted, it turns out the beginning of the process was far less planned and much more hilarious. Marc Okrand, the linguist who created both Klingon and Vulcan says he was first offered the job to create the Vulcan language in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn, and he actually was asked to create gibberish. Specifically, gibberish that would match the lip movements of the same words, that had already been spoken on the set in English. According to Okrand...

My real job, the one that really paid the bills, was closed captioning. The first program we did live was the Oscars, 1982. They flew me out to L.A., and I was having lunch with a friend who worked at Paramount. She and I go out to lunch, and the fact that I was a linguist came up --- I have a PhD in linguistics. She said: 'That's really interesting. We've been talking to linguists. There's this scene in the movie where Mr. Spock and this female Vulcan character have a conversation. When they filmed it, the actors were speaking English. But in post- production, everyone thinks it would be better if they were speaking Vulcan.' They wanted a linguist to come and make up gobbledygook that matches the lip movements. And I said, 'I can do that!'

It's actually pretty funny that the beginning of the process that led to the creation of alien languages so well designed that you can actually study and learn them yourself began within the constraints of only being able to create sounds that matched preexisting lip movements.

Apparently, Paramount liked Marc Okrand's work inventing these few words of Vulcan so much in Star Trek II that he tells the Washington Post that when the time came that they needed somebody to create words of Klingon for Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, they again called on the linguist. Klingon had actually already been spoken briefly, in the opening of Star Trek: The Motion Picture. In order to keep continuity with the first film, Okrand listened to the language used in that film and simply built on that, making sure the language sounded alien by combining sounds from different languages that didn't sound like they belonged together.

You listen to the lines in the first movie. That'll tell you what the sounds are. I added to it. These are not human; their language should not be recognizably human. But the people who are going to speak it, the actors, are human. So I added no sounds that you can't find in some human language or other, but you shouldn't find these sounds in the same language. It's unnatural. At the time I didn't know it was going to, you know, live long and prosper.

Live long and prosper, it did, however. Decades later the Star Trek franchise is still going strong and the languages created by Marc Okrand are still being used. We'll almost certainly hear them in the next Star Trek movie, whichever one that turns out to be.

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5 Major Questions We Have About Dark Phoenix After That Trailer

5 Major Questions We Have About Dark Phoenix After That Trailer

While the first details about the new X-Men movie, Dark Phoenix, were originally released all the way back in December 2017 that was when the film was still scheduled for release in 2018. A few months later the project was bumped to next year, and it's been silent ever since - but after a long wait we finally got the first trailer earlier tonight. All together it's an interesting bit of footage, confirming the presence of key characters, showing off new uniforms, and offering first looks at the power of the titular villain, but it has also left us asking a number of questions that don't have a clear answer just yet.

After watching the trailer several times, we've singled out five major head-scratchers that we are now left to ponder - including material that we didn't see, connections to previous stories in the franchise, mysterious characters, and more. So let's dive in, shall we?

Where's All The Space Stuff?Dark Phoenix is the second adaptation of the classic X-Men story arc that we've seen in the last 12 years, but there's a very specific reason why fans have been willing to accept it. Unlike what was seen in Brett Ratner's X-Men: The Last Stand, writer/director Simon Kinberg's vision for the new film promised that audiences would get to see a big screen version of the story with all of the cosmic elements still intact. However, one of the big takeaways from the new movie is the fact that any and all space-related stuff is extremely minimal.The footage features the screenshot you see above, as well as a few shots of X-Men characters riding in the cockpit of the Blackbird, but that's really it. Instead, just about all of the material is focused on what happens to Jean Grey (Sophie Turner) after she is exposed to the Phoenix Force. Normally I'd throw out the excuse that maybe the CGI for those sequences just isn't ready for marketing yet, but you have to factor in the fact that this movie was originally supposed to be released in October. It's weird that we don't get to see more of it in the Dark Phoenix trailer, and hopefully it doesn't speak to minimal material in the finished product.

Are They Repeating Elements From X-Men: The Last Stand?Continuing sentiments from above, not only does the trailer de-emphasize the material that will see the heroes travel beyond our atmosphere, but it weirdly even seems to suggest that the film will see material from X-Men: The Last Stand carried over into Dark Phoenix (it's worth mentioning at this point that Simon Kinberg wrote the scripts for both projects). Based on dialogue we hear from Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) and Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence), it definitely sounds like we will be seeing a repeat of the plot that sees Xavier secretly dampening Jean Grey's powers in order to prevent her from being too dangerous.What's interesting about this bit from the Dark Phoenix trailer is that it does continue threads from X-Men: Apocalypse - where Jean Grey demonstrated some Phoenix-esque powers - but that again just makes us more confused about the role that the heroine being exposed to the Phoenix Force in outerspace will have on the story. Thanks to the events ofX-Men: Days of Future Past, Dark Phoenix doesn't really have to have any connection to what was previously established in X-Men: The Last Stand, but it appears that the movie is still going that way anyway.

Who/What Is Jessica Chastain's Character?Admittedly this is a question that we have been asking since long before the arrival of the new Dark Phoenix trailer. That being said, actually seeing the character played by Jessica Chastain walking and talking has reinvigorated discussions and speculation about the role. We know she has long, white hair, and a passionate interest in finding Jean Grey, but beyond that she wholly remains a mystery.There have been many guesses about the character floating around, including the Shi'ar princess Lilandra, and the evil psychic entity Cassandra Nova, but sadly the Dark Phoenix trailer doesn't get us any closer to an answer. There simply isn't enough material featured to allow us to improve our already established educated guesses. Going forward it will be interesting to see if the marketing team ultimately decides to reveal that information to the audience, or if it will be kept as a big reveal only to be shown on the big screen. I was personally anticipating it as some kind of exciting button at the end of this new footage, but sadly that didn't happen. Maybe next time.

Who Are Magneto's Two New Friends?Jessica Chastain's mystery character isn't the only fresh face featured in the Dark Phoenix trailer, as there is one shot in the footage that also reveals two new, previously unannounced characters. Based on what we see in the frame above, it definitely looks like they are mutants who identify with the philosophies of Magneto (Michael Fassbender) - and what's more it looks like they may also be joined by Beast (Nicholas Hoult).It's been previously revealed that Magneto will be living a peaceful life when we next catch up with him in Dark Phoenix, specifically running a mutant commune on the island known as Genosha. He gets thrown back into the world of the X-Men when Jean Grey seeks his advice, and perhaps the two new mutants are followers who come with him as support. It would obviously be a lot easier to identify these mutants if they did literally anything in the footage, but what you see above is all we have right now.

Does Magneto's Jab At Xavier Suggest A New Approach For The Third Act?"You're always sorry, Charles. And there's always a speech." Of all the dialogue in the Dark Phoenix trailer, this bit from Magneto definitely stands out the most. The reason for this is because we have seen what's described happen many times over the course of the movie franchise's 18 year existence. When it comes right down to it, most of the action in the movies comes down to Charles Xavier doing what he can to excuse the nature of man and reason his way to a peaceful resolution. With Magneto's line in the footage, however, one wonders if it might wind up being a meta signal to fans that things in this one aren't going to wrap up the usual way.There is a great deal of uncertainty in regards to the future of the X-Men franchise, and Dark Phoenix may be the perfect project to make a sharp left turn when everyone in the world is expecting it to turn right (particularly in light of the developing Disney-Fox merger). We'll just have to wait and see how it all turns out when the film hits theaters on February 14, 2019.

The odor on Dark Phoenix became more toxic after the studio pushed the film back again from Feb. 14 to June 7 — and this was two days after they dropped the second trailer, which screamed out
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Admittedly this is a question that we have been asking since long before the arrival of the new Dark Phoenix trailer. That being said, actually seeing the character played by Jessica Chastain
5 Major Questions We Have About Dark Phoenix After That Trailer

X-MEN DARK PHOENIX Trailer en Español. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.
What to expect for X-Men franchise after Dark Phoenix

Offizieller "X-Men: Dark Phoenix" Trailer Deutsch German 2019 | Abonnieren

Spoilers and theories are popping up all over the internet ahead of the X-Men: Dark Phoenix release after a trailer of the film was released that depicts what many think is Jean Grey (play by Sophie Turner) putting a big-time hurting on Magneto. A hurting that supposedly kills off the metal-bending mega mutant for good.
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While the first details about the new X-Men movie, Dark Phoenix, were originally released all the way back in December 2017 that was when the film was still scheduled for release in 2018. A few months later the project was bumped to next year, and it's been silent ever since - but after a long wait we finally got the first trailer earlier tonight.
5 Major Questions We Have About Dark Phoenix After That

5 Major Questions We Have About Dark Phoenix After That Trailer September 27, 2018 News No comments All together it's an interesting bit of footage, but it has also left us asking a number of questions that don't have a clear answer just yet.
X-MEN DARK PHOENIX Trailer Español (2019) - YouTube

Both the "X-Men" franchise and the Marvel Cinematic Universe as we know them will change drastically after will have access to them. "Dark Phoenix" is expected to be the final major "X-Men
X-MEN: Dark Phoenix Trailer 3 German Deutsch (2019

| (OT: X-Men: Dark Phoenix) Movie Trailer | Kinostart: 6 Jun 20
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A major X-Men character is going to die in Dark Phoenix, and after seeing the first trailer, we have a pretty good idea of who it will be. Categories

5 Major Questions We Have About Dark Phoenix After That Trailer

Dark Phoenix is the second adaptation of the classic X-Men story arc that we've seen in the last 12 years, but there's a very specific reason why fans have been willing to accept it.
5 Major Questions We Have About Dark Phoenix After That

Jared Leto Shares Moving Image From Morbius

Jared Leto Shares Moving Image From Morbius

Jared Leto already showed off a first look at his main character in Morbius last month, but that was really more of a glimpse. This new motion photo gives a full figure look at his Dr. Michael Morbius in the second movie in Sony's Marvel Universe following Venom:

OK. If he's a vampire, maybe the people don't see him as he stands there right in the middle of the sidewalk. Still seems rude, though.

Morbius the Living Vampire started as a nemesis for Spider-Man in Marvel Comics' The Amazing Spider Man in the 1970s. In the comics, Dr. Michael Morbius is a biochemist who tries to cure a fatal blood disease by injecting himself with a bat-based treatment serum. That little trick gave him a form of vampirism, including superhuman strength but also a love for human blood. Over time, Morbius evolved into an antihero with his own comic.

Morbius is now filming, with Adria Arjona reportedly playing Martine Bancroft, who is engaged to Dr. Michael Morbius in the comics. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Matt Smith will play the film's villain, Loxias Crown, Morbius best friend who also suffers from the same blood disease. Jared Harris is meant to play Morbius mentor, with Tyrese Gibson as an FBI agent trying to hunt down Morbius. Jared Leto -- aka the Joker in DC's Suicide Squad -- is taking the lead here as the Marvel antihero himself.

After the huge $855 million success of Venom, Sony has big plans for its universe, which it's technically calling Sony's Marvel Universe -- not to be confused with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and also not quite confused with the Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse movie and its sequel/spinoffs. Spider-Man is part of too many universes, in my opinion. There's been talk of MCU peeps possibly eventually squaring off with Tom Hardy's Venom, and maybe Morbius will be part of that action someday, if it ever happens.

Tom Holland's Spider-Man is busy with his own problems in Spider-Man: Far From Home, which arrives in theaters this July, not quite three months after Avengers: Endgame hopefully explains how Peter Parker is getting his own film when he was snapped by Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War.

Venom is getting its own sequel, which is now in the works. Morbius -- directed by Daniel Espinosa (Safe House) -- is scheduled for release in theaters in the U.S. on July 31, 2020. That's already looking like a very busy month. (Release dates may change, though, so stay tuned.) As we wait for more news about Morbius, and eventually a trailer, catch up on everything you need to know about Marvel's Living Vampire. And be sure to keep our 2019 movie release date schedule handy to stay up-to-date on everything opening on the big screen this year.

In a way, A Star Is Born fans finally got the happy ending they wanted for Ally and Jackson. Fans at Lady Gaga's Saturday night Enigma show in Las Vegas got a pleasant surprise when Bradley Cooper

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