The 6 Coolest Moments in Solo: A Star Wars Story

The 6 Coolest Moments in Solo: A Star Wars Story

SPOILER WARNING: Major spoilers for some of the best moments in Solo: A Star Wars Story follow below. Read at your own risk!

The verdict is in and Solo: A Star Wars Story couldn't quite measure up at the box office. While some (and Lucasfilm) may be quick to figure out what went wrong here, it's not as if the movie didn't have anything going for it. It had some really charming performances, a very surprising cameo appearance, and lots of cool set pieces. Box office dollars aren't the best measure of quality and while Solo isn't a perfect film, it had this writer walking out of the theater thinking about lots of memorable scenes.

And is it such a surprise that a movie about a young Han Solo contains seriously cool moments? Han Solo is the original cool guy in space, and Solo leaps to the challenge of entertaining fans through all manner of different ways. Han's journey to become a great pilot takes him to a lot of different places, forcing him to talk, shoot, and fly his way out of whatever trouble he manages to find himself in. In no particular order, here are six of the coolest moments from Ron Howard's Solo: A Star Wars Story.

The Train HeistNothing beats a good heist, especially after you add aliens, lasers, spaceships, and a high-speed train moving hundreds of feet above a frozen wasteland. Early on in the film, Han and Chewie cross paths with Tobias Beckett and his crew, who are in the midst of planning to rob a train of its cargo full of hyperfuel. Han, desperate for money so that he can buy a ship, forces Tobias to let him and Chewie help. What follows is a pretty exciting sequence full of rising and falling tension mixed with solid action. Things escalate quickly when Enfys Nest and the Marauders arrive on their hoverbikes to steal the shipment for themselves. Sacrifices are made and things are blown up. It's definitely a great way to help kick off the movie.

How Han Met ChewbaccaFans have wondered how Han Solo and Chewbacca, one of the best on screen duos in movie history, first met and forged their lifelong friendship. The answer? Chewbacca tried to straight up eat Han. In all fairness, Chewie was a slave of the Empire who hadn't fed him for three days, but still. After Han is labeled a deserter, he is thrown into a pit with "the beast," which turns out to be a starved and chained up Chewie. The two have an engaging fight in the mud before Han can convince Chewie that they need to work together to escape. The duo does just that and being chained together forces them to stick together until they can get off the planet. As far as meet-cutes go, it's a pretty fun way to reveal how they first met. But seriously, Chewie has eaten human beings before and that's messed up.

Lando, As A PersonI know I said Han was the original cool guy in space, but he's not the coolest guy in space. That title currently belongs to Lando, especially in the hands of Donald Glover. Armed with an almost overwhelming amount of swagger, Lando is a scene stealer and the movie arguably doesn't pick up until Han and the gang come to recruit Lando for a mission. Not only does Lando rock his own unique style, but he has a whole room in the Millennium Falcon just for his capes. I mean, that just takes confidence.

The Kessel RunHan always liked to brag that the Millennium Falcon was fast enough to complete the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs, but without any sort of context, it's hard to actually be impressed. As Solo showed, it's actually really, really impressive. The Kessel Run is essentially a passageway through space leading to the mining colony of Kessel. The planet is surrounded by black holes, culminating in the Maw, a gravity well so powerful that no ship has ever returned after getting too close. Passing ships have to stick to the safest route, but Han Solo has never been one for rules. With the Empire on their tail, Han has no choice but to pilot the Falcon off of the path for a "shortcut" through the most dangerous part of the Kessel Run. Not only does the ship have to weave through uncharted space, dodge tie fighters, avoid black holes, and get a shipment of highly explosive raw hyperfuel to a processing station before it explodes, but they also have to escape from a MASSIVE Cthulhu-type beast hidden within the maelstrom. It's a really thrilling sequence and probably the best scene in the whole movie.

Han Shoots First (Officially)Whether or not Han Solo shot Greedo first in A New Hope is one of the most debated questions in all of Star Wars, but the popular answer is, yes, he did. Solo does its part to settle the argument. At the end of the movie, Han stands in the way of his mentor Tobias Beckett's escape, having outfoxed him earlier. Tobias, who has been imparting life wisdom on Han throughout the whole movie, begins one last monologue before he is abruptly cut off by a laser blast to the chest. Han finally shoots first. Tobias relents that that was the smart call before he passes away, helping to cement Han as more of a cutthroat than George Lucas ended up being comfortable with.

Darth Maul's CameoWhile Dryden Vos teased that he wasn't the leader of the Crimson Dawn, the criminal organization that Han ends up working for for the majority of the movie, I doubt very much that anyone was expecting that leader to be Darth Maul. The Emperor's former apprentice found a second life on the TV shows, Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels, but this is his first return to live-action since he was cut in half in The Phantom Menace. Whether this is just a cameo or a tease of something more is a bit unclear right now, but it was definitely one of the coolest moments in the movie to see Maul make his grand return to the big screen, if only for a few seconds.

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Jordan Peeles Us Trailer Is Here To Absolutely Horrify You

Jordan Peeles Us Trailer Is Here To Absolutely Horrify You

It was about three years ago that Jordan Peele revealed his plans for a career 180, going from comedic actor to horror director, and the move has gone quite well. Not only was Get Out a critical hit and a box office smash, but Peele also won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. Now he's preparing to release his sophomore effort, Us, to the world, and the debut trailer is honestly one of the scariest pieces of cinema we've seen in 2018.

Holy. Shit.

Get Out definitely had its scary moments, but this first look at Us is aiming to make audiences full-on scream and cover their eyes. Everything about this movie has been a total mystery up until now, and this trailer was absolutely worth the wait, and is full of some seriously strange moments.

Based on an original screenplay by Jordan Peele, Us begins as a husband and wife (Winston Duke and Lupita Nyong'o) travel with their children (Shahadi Wright Joseph, and Evan Alex) on a beach house vacation. At first everything goes swimmingly, with the family enjoying time in the sun, but things start to go very, very wrong one night when they see some mysterious figures standing at the end of their driveway. After a confrontation, the horrifying realization is made that these invaders are the family's monstrous doppelgangers.

I first got to see the Us trailer last week at a special screening on the Universal Pictures lot, and Jordan Peele was on hand to introduce the preview for the work. In the same way that he created a whole special history behind the events featured in Get Out (I highly recommend listening to the movie's fascinating director's commentary), he has once again crafted a specific background for what's on tap in his next film, and is prepared to introduce the world to a whole new kind of terrifying creature. Said Peele,

It has been a labor of love. It is a horror film. I dedicated a lot of myself to create a new horror mythology, and a new monster. I think that monsters and stories about monsters are one of our best ways of getting at deeper truths and facing our fears as a society.

Commentary about our world was something that was very much front and center in his directorial debut, but Jordan Peele also stressed another aspect of Us: it's not a movie about race. While the film does have a black family as the lead characters, that's not something at which the film will be specifically pointing. The writer/director explained,

Very important for me was to have a black family at the center of a horror film... But it's also important to note this movie, unlike Get Out, is not about race. It is instead about something that I feel has become an undeniable truth, and that is the simple fact that we are our own worst enemies.

In addition to Winston Duke and Lupita Nyong'o, Shahadi Wright Joseph, and Evan Alex, Us also stars Elisabeth Moss, Tim Heidecker, and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II. Perhaps the best news of all is that this is not a film taking its sweet time getting to theaters, as much like Get Out it too will be an early-in-the-year release. You'll be able to see it in cinemas everywhere starting March 15th, and you can be sure that we'll have more details about it heading your way in the coming days, weeks, and months.

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Armie Hammer Joins Murder On The Orient Express Sequel

Armie Hammer Joins Murder On The Orient Express Sequel

Murder on the Orient Express was a solid hit last year, and that has greenlit a sequel that is building an equally star-studded cast. Previously Gal Gadot was announced to be joining Kenneth Branaugh in Death on the Nile, which will follow the adventures of literary detective Hercule Poirot, and now Armie Hammer has been the next major star to join the cast.

The newest version of Murder on the Orient Express ended with a tease of Death on the Nile, another of Agatha Christie's most famous mystery novels which star Hercule Poirot. Kenneth Branaugh brought the character to life in the previous film and will be returning to star in as well as direct the new feature. Orient Express included a huge cast including everybody from Johnny Depp to Josh Gad to Judi Dench and it seems like Death on the Nile will be looking to do something similar, filling out the list of suspects with big names.

Death on the Nile is currently set to release in December of 2019 but according to Variety production isn't expected to begin until the middle of the same year. This makes it unlikely the movie will actually meet its release date, probably pushing it to December 2020 if it wants to release at the same time of year. Murder on the Orient Express was a November release and it brought in over $350 million so you can expect the studio will do everything it can to recreate those circumstances with the sequel.

Death on the Nile was previously given a film adaptation in 1978 with Peter Ustinov in the lead, four years after Albert Finney had played the detective role in a film version of Murder on the Orient Express. The original novel was published in 1937.

While most of the time when we think of major film franchises they are limited to major blockbusters, but it's possible we could be seeing a new film franchise being born here that won't require massive special effects or costumed heroes. Agatha Christie wrote over two dozen novels that starred Hercule Poirot, and so the possibility that we could see several of them turned into films certainly has to be considered under the circumstances. If Death on the Nile succeeds as well as Murder on the Orient Express did, we could very well see more movies where these came from.

I loved the classic "who done it?" mystery of Orient Express that we simply don't see much anymore. Hopefully, this means we're starting to see a resurgence in the genre as a whole. Some new original mysteries would be a welcome addition to all the potential remakes.

According to The Wrap, Armie Hammer (Call Me By Your Name) has joined the film, which is a sequel to Branagh's Murder on the Orient Express from […] E3 2019 Marvel
Armie Hammer Set To Join Death on the Nile -

Gal Gadot is going to have some company on the Nile in the Murder on the Orient Express sequel, and it looks like that will include Armie Hammer.Hammer has just been cast in Death on the Nile, the
Armie Hammer Joins Murder On The Orient Express Sequel

Armie Hammer has joined Gal Gadot in Fox's "Death on the Nile," a follow-up to last year's "Murder on the Orient Express.". The studio has hired "Orient Express" director Kenneth
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Murder on the Orient Express was a solid hit last year, and that has greenlit a sequel that is building an equally star-studded cast. Previously Gal Gadot was announced to be joining Kenneth Branaugh in Death on the Nile, which will follow the adventures of literary detective Hercule Poirot, and now Armie Hammer has been the next major star to join the cast.
Armie Hammer Joins Murder On The Orient Express Sequel

After the sneaky success of the 2017 film adaptation of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express, a sequel announcement soon followed. Armie Hammer Joins Murder On The Orient Express Sequel.
Armie Hammer Joins Gal Gadot in 'Death on the Nile' Remake

Armie Hammer Joins Murder On The Orient Express Sequel

Sorry to Bother You's Armie Hammer has signed on to join Gal Gadot in the sequel to last year's box office smash murder mystery, Death on the Nile, from Kenneth Branagh.
Armie Hammer Boards 'Death on the Nile' Remake - Variety

Murder on the Orient Express was a solid hit last year, and that has greenlit a sequel that is building an equally star-studded cast. Previously Gal Gadot was announced to be joining Kenneth Branaugh in Death on the Nile, which will follow the adventures of literary detective Hercule Poirot, and now Armie Hammer has been the next major star to join the cast.
Armie Hammer joins Kenneth Branagh's Agatha Christie sequel

Wright is set to star alongside Gal Gadot, Armie Hammer, Killing Eve breakout Jodie Comer and Kenneth Branagh, who again directs following 2018's Murder on the Orient Express, while also reprising his role as the mustachioed Belgian detective Hercule Poirot. The film is due to start filming towards the end of September.

Armie Hammer has joined Gal Gadot in Fox's "Death on the Nile," as a follow-up to last year's "Murder on the Orient Express." Continue to Variety SKIP AD You will be redirected back to your
The Murder On The Orient Express Sequel Has Been Delayed

Murder on the Orient Express was a solid hit last year, and that has greenlit a sequel that is building an equally star-studded cast. Subscribe To Armie Hammer Joins Murder On The Orient Express
Armie Hammer Joins Gal Gadot in 'Murder on the Orient Express