Zack Snyder Has Blunt Words For Any Fans Mad That Batman Killed Someone

Zack Snyder Has Blunt Words For Any Fans Mad That Batman Killed Someone

Whatever your view of Zack Snyder's DC superhero movies, there's little argument that his particular take on Batman and Superman would qualify as "non-traditional." One specific way that Snyder broke with previous versions of the character was when he made a version of Batman who had no problem with actually killing people, a line that the character traditionally would not cross in modern films and comics.

However, at a recent Q&A following a screening of Snyder's earlier comic book movie, Watchmen, the director made it clear that he has little sympathy for people who took issue with his version of the classic DC characters, as seen in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, as he feels they made sense for a modern comic book movie. According to Snyder...

Someone says to me 'Oh Batman killed a guy.' I'm like 'Really?' I'm like 'Wake the fuck up.' ... I guess that's what I'm saying about, once you've like lost your virginity to this fucking movie and then you come say to me something about like 'Oh my superhero wouldn't do that.' I'm like 'Are you serious' I'm down the fucking road on that. And it's a cool point of view. Look, I'm 100% fine, it's a cool point of view to be like 'My heroes are still innocent. My heroes didn't lie to America. My heroes didn't embezzle money from their corp, my heroes didn't commit any atrocities.' That's cool, but you're living in a fucking dream world, OK?

Snyder's comments at least make it clear where he was coming from in creating his version of the DC Universe. His earlier film Watchman, and the comic it was based on, argued that if superheroes were real, they would not be the paragon of virtue we're used to seeing in comic books. Snyder believes this idea so strongly that he carried it over to characters like Batman and Superman. He thinks viewing any sort of hero with that sort of idolization is akin to living in a dream world. Everybody has flaws and that should be understood.

While many might agree, the response on Reddit, where Snyder's comments were posted, is largely negative. Many feel that while a story like Watchmen has its place, Batman is something quite different and should be treated as such. Batman's decision not to kill his enemies is a key aspect of the character, and if you change it, he's simply not Batman anymore.

Of course, there's really no right answer to questions like these. There will always be fans of the traditional view of any character with a history as long as the one Batman has. Changes and new interpretations will always happen, but exactly what aspects of the character are immutable won't always be agreed upon. A Batman willing to kill certainly opens up interesting ideas to be explored that wouldn't be there with a more traditional iteration of the character.

What do you think about Zack Snyder's perspective on Batman? Let us know in the poll below.

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How E.T. Inspired The Ending Of How To Train Your Dragon 3

How E.T. Inspired The Ending Of How To Train Your Dragon 3

Be warned, this article contains SPOILERS! So if havent yet cried over How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, turn back until you have!

Go out to the movies, well get together, well have a few laughs and then a beautiful ending like How To Train Your Dragons hits. The last installment of the animated trilogy centering on a village of Vikings and a boy and his dragon has finally been released in theaters, and its a tear-jerker.

When I recently had the chance to speak with the franchises writer and director Dean DeBlois at a DreamWorks press visit in Glendale, I asked him about what it was like crafting the last moments of the How To Train Your Dragon films. Heres what he said:

I think there's a lot of joy in it. We made sure that we gave it the appropriate amount of time for characters to say goodbye to one another and to resolve a few ambitions that I had from the moment we embarked on the idea of the trilogy. I wanted a Viking funeral, I wanted a Viking wedding and I wanted a really powerful emotional goodbye something that to me would be inspired by E.T. saying goodbye to Elliott, I wanted that kind of emotion.

Id say the director achieved all of this in the latest installment! The final scenes of How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World include some of his wishes fulfilled, including Hiccup and Astrids marriage and a touching goodbye reminiscent of Steven Spielbergs E.T. Since the franchise explores similar themes of a boys unlikely friendship with a creature typically cast out and misunderstood by his society, DeBlois turning to the classic makes a lot of sense.

Toothless helps Hiccup grow and flourish through their friendship, much like Elliott and E.Ts story goes. Originally an awkward misfit, his journey with Toothless gives him the courage and strength to be a part of something and ultimately become the leader of Berk.

Once Toothless started to find his way home in the Hidden World and with the Light Fury, Hiccup must say goodbye to his friend and allow them both to fly on their own. Much like E.Ts phone home, which has Elliott saying goodbye to his closest friend, who helped him get out of his shell and fight for something.

DeBlois also pointed to another classic film as an inspiration for the end of How To Train Your Dragon. In his words:

Also, I really wanted the feeling that I got from the end of 'Born Free' when they returned years later and they saw that the dragon that they released into the wild had thrived and she and her mate had cubs and there was a sense of like we did the right thing. It was tough, but they were rewarded with the knowledge that they're safe and they've thrived in the wild.

The most emotional and gratifying scene in The Hidden World is when the timeline jumps forward to a time when a bearded Hiccup, Astrid and their children are on a boat together and they come across Toothless and the Light Fury. The dragon couple has had dragon children of their own.

The two families share a touching moment where they acknowledge each other, happy in their own environments, and get some gratification that everything turned out okay separately, just as the classic story does with the adopted lion cub sent back into the wild.

Dean DeBlois inspirations for the end of How To Train Your Dragon are spot on and, in my opinion, made for a satisfying conclusion to the franchise. Let us know what you thought of the ending in the comments below.

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5 Coolest Moments In Ready Player One

5 Coolest Moments In Ready Player One

SPOILER WARNING: this spoils some of the best parts of Ready Player One, so come back after you've seen the movie.

Last weekend, Ready Player One finally arrived in theaters and while it didn't feel like it had a lot of buzz around it, people were nonetheless interested in the movie to see the huge amounts pop culture references that are literally walking around in any given scene. You could see a Ninja Turtle, Ryu from Street Fighter, and Hello Kitty all within the same breath and the movie has tons of fun showing these characters off. Leave it to Steven Spielberg to find the most fun way possible to show off these references without beating you over the head with it (for the most part).

Ready Player One largely takes place within the virtual reality world of the OASIS, where a player can essentially do anything. Making the audience feel like anything can happen, too, might be the movie's biggest accomplishments. This video game world combined with the near unlimited use of pop culture icons means that a good amount of cool stuff happens in this movie and these are just five of what we think are the coolest in no particular order.

The Big RaceThe driving plot (pun mostly not intended) of Ready Player One is that just about every player in the game is searching for an Easter Egg left behind by the deceased creator of the OASIS, which would give the payer who finds it full legal control of the virtual world. Players must find three keys, each one earned by winning a challenge hidden inside the game. The first is a race throughout a changing cityscape and it's insane. It's almost every famous vehicle in pop culture destroying each other in the sickest race of Mario Kart ever. On top of all of that, cars are chased by a T-Rex and King Kong. There's so much going on that it's hard to keep track of, but it's definitely an exciting way to start things off.

The Iron Giant Enters The FightThe Iron Giant has been pretty heavily featured in the marketing campaign for the movie, and the big guy does not disappoint in the least. He doesn't get in on the action until the climactic battle at the end when an army of players battle against the villainous corporation IOI for control of the final key. The Iron Giant is a big gun on the side of the good guys and he has no trouble dispatching evil players with his eye beams and laser cannon. It's true that The Iron Giant is entirely about pacifism and avoiding the use of weapons, but this A) is a video game world, B) not the actual Iron Giant, and C) it's really cool. The Iron Giant also gets to take part in a really cool fight that we'll get into later.

Art3mis Behind Enemy LinesToward the back half of the film, Samantha -- who goes by her avatar Art3mis in the game world -- is taken hostage by IOI and forced to work in one of their vaguely defined loyalty centers. Luckily for Art3mis, this places her in a key position right inside the enemy headquarters during the most crucial moment of the final challenge. With the help of her friends, Art3mis is able to escape her cell/workstation, but she decides to stay and masquerade as an enemy soldier inside the OASIS. While in the game, she manages to single-handedly take out an impenetrable magic force field surrounding the enemy castle that was keeping out all the good players. She then proceeds to join the battle and kick lots of butt, but she does this while still inside IOI headquarters, meaning that she's in actual real-life danger.

Recreating The ShiningYou need to know two things about the OASIS: anything is possible, and it was made by a total dweeb. This means that the second key is hidden inside of a level that perfectly recreates the classic horror movie The Shining all the way down to the creepy twin girls. This whole sequence is an absolute blast. One of the main characters, Aech (Lena Waithe), hates scary movies and has never seen The Shining, which means that she falls into some seriously deadly traps from the movie, like the river of blood and the creepy, naked bathroom lady. Don't worry, the dog-faced guy doesn't show up. The only thing that would have made it better is if they were actually allowed to use Jack Nicholson's likeness to recreate "Here's Johnny!"but it's still an insanely fun scene.

Gundam Vs MechagodzillaThe entire final action set piece is full of moments that would make decent additions to this list, but none of them are quite as memorable as this. In a moment that truly captures the idea of taking two action figures and mashing them together, good guy Daito (Win Morisaki) transforms into a life-size Gundam and fights MechaGodzilla, who's piloted by the evil CEO, Nolan Sorrento (Ben Mendelsohn). For fans of either of these properties, this is a massive treat, and even people who aren't as familiar can likely find something to enjoy in a Japanese anime robot with a laser sword battling a mechanical dinosaur. These only get ramped up even further when the Iron Giant steps in to help finish things off with style.

Like & Subscribe! • Original title: "Ready Player One" • Release date: March 28, 2018
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