Chris Evans Reveals His Goodbye Marvel Post May Not Be What It Seemed

Chris Evans Reveals His Goodbye Marvel Post May Not Be What It Seemed

It's long been assumed that Avengers 4 would be Chris Evans' final appearance as Captain America. It has to be assumed because neither Evans or Marvel have said anything about the future of this fan-favorite character. So, it was surprising when Evans tweeted about officially wrapping on Avengers 4 and seemed to be hinting that his time playing Cap was over. Well, it turns out this tweet may not have been exactly what it seemed, as Evans has clarified that his final day on Avengers 4 is not necessarily his last day as Cap. At Ace Comic Con he said:

I should clarify that I know I did tweet something that made a lot of people think that it was in some way a spoiler. I should clarify that regardless of how Avengers 4 ends, I would have tweeted the exact same thing. That last day of filming was a very emotional day, and it was the culmination of almost 10 years of filming and 22 movies, this unbelievable tapestry.

While appearing at Ace Comic Con in Chicago, Chris Evans told a crowd of people (via ComicBook) that his original tweet about wrapping Avengers 4 reshoots should not be taken as a goodbye or spoiler. What he actually meant was that it was emotional wrapping up a 10-year story told across 22 films. Does that mean he's still going to be Captain America in future movies? Not necessarily, but it sounds like we shouldn't base that on one tweet, no matter how well-received it was by fans and celebrities.

Personally, I would not have considered that tweet a spoiler as a lot of fans have expected that Chris Evans and several other actors will be retiring from the MCU after Avengers 4. If Phase 4 is supposed to be entirely different from what's come before and certain contracts are fulfilled, then it would be only natural that some people don't stick around. However, Evans isn't confirming anything, as he later clarified,

You feel a lot more emotions than I think even I thought I'd feel. And I felt it was appropriate to share the gratitude. I know it had a ripple effect but I am neither confirming or denying anything.

If some characters do end up exiting, the real spoiler would be how those characters whose contracts are ending are eventually written off, like Captain America dying, for example. That's the No. 1 theory for how Captain America will make his exit, but there are some who are holding out hope that he gets to walk off into the sunset. Regardless of how Avengers 4 wraps, it's clear that the role has meant a lot to Evans and it'll be interesting to see what's next for the actor.

Asides from concept art leaks, there isn't a whole lot known about Avengers 4, no matter how many cryptic messages the Russo Brothers tweet. Stick with CinemaBlend, and we'll keep up updated on all the latest information as soon as it becomes available. Avengers 4 hits theaters on May 3, 2019, and to learn more about the movie, here's everything we know so far.

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The Avengers Vs The Justice League: Which Is The Better Superhero Team?

The Avengers Vs The Justice League: Which Is The Better Superhero Team?

In Avengers: Endgame, the Avengers proved they could best the most powerful villain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but could those characters take out their counterparts from The Justice League movie? At the box office, its not been much of a fight, Marvel and the MCU have been crushing DC and the DCEU.

Sure, Marvel got a head start on the competition when it kicked off Phase One of the MCU with Iron Man in 2008, but DC had previously been sucking wind trying to catch up, although it is finally starting to make great strides. While the MCU has had an outline and a playbook that that has been laid out and followed to a T, at times, it seems like the DCEU has been in total chaos and flying by the seat of the tights.

Still, none of this has anything to do with how powerful the characters are, and there's nothing we love more at CinemaBlend than superhero hypotheticals. So, could The Avengers beat The Justice League in a fight between superheroes? Marvels Avengers may do better at the box office, but DCs Justice League would give them one heck of a fight in the ring. Who would come out on top? We state the case below.

It should be noted, that just to keep this from spiraling out into infinity, were going to limit the argument to only six members of The Avengers and the six members of The Justice League introduced in the DCEU so far. On the Avengers side, it will be Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Black Panther, Captain Marvel and The Hulk. So, that means no Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, Ant-Man, or any of The Guardians Of The Galaxy. On the Justice League side, its Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Flash and Cyborg.

The Avengers Versus The Justice LeagueThe Avengers biggest strengths are their brains and technical skills. Tony Starks genius and engineer would have to be their biggest asset against any potential DCEU foes. Lets face it, The Avengers are going to need Iron Man to come up with something big to help them stop The Justice Leagues most powerful superhero, Superman. Superman is going to be the biggest problem for them and stopping him is almost impossible. Thor will also be critical here.

Superman is almost indestructible. The only chance The Avengers would have against The Justice League would be to somehow sideline him maybe using the power of Thor. Thors Mjolnir or Stormbreaker are the most powerful weapons in any universe and hes going to need all of it. The Incredible Hulks incredible strength would also be important in isolating the biggest threats from The Justice League.

While this is going on, Batman and Captain America would probably face off in one of the most epic battles that superhero fans could ever wish for. They are pretty evenly matched too. That leaves the wild card: Wonder Woman. Could the Justice League gain the advantage over The Avengers here with Wonder Woman?

Of course, there other concerns too. Would The Hulk decimate the competition outside of Superman or could The Flash and Aquaman someone contain him? As with Superman, The Hulk is probably not going to fall in a one-on-one battle. If The Flash and Aquaman were distracted by The Hulk, where does that leave Cyborg? With a powerful superhero like Captain Marvel teamed with Black Panther, could Cyborg come out on top? He may be the biggest weakness in the Justice League in this fight. Hed be better matched with Iron Man, with his hacker skills, but he may not get the opportunity in this battle.

Most likely what would happen is that the six leaders of each team with battle it out while the three lesser members would be left facing each other. This makes the larger battle slightly more even, because, again, Superman really puts the Avengers at a major disadvantage. What can you do to stop him?

Iron Man, Thor, And Captain America Vs. Superman, Batman, and Wonder WomanThe leaders of The Avenger and The Justice League would definitely need to face off with each other. This is the only way The Avengers would have a chance.

First, The Avengers would need to have made sure that Tony Stark had invented some kind of Kryptonite-shooting weapon to fire at Superman. With Superman weakened, a charge from Thor and healthy smack of his hammer would be the Avengers best chance to flip the script on The Justice League. Maybe Thor could somehow plant an unconscious Superman on the moon or something, giving The Avengers a chance.

This is all if the much-anticipated battle between Batman and Captain America keeps those two distracted. In all of The Avengers vs. Justice League possible match-ups, this is the one people should want to see most. They are pretty evenly matched and both are incredible in hand-to-hand combat. Whoever comes out on top in this fight could also swing the battle in one direction or the other as both are crucial to the success of their respective teams.

This leaves Wonder Woman. If Iron Man and Thor were distracted with Superman, it leaves an opening for Wonder Woman to take on one or both. She is pretty evenly matched with Thor, with both of them being gods and all. Plus who wouldnt want to see Gal Godot fighting with Chris Hemsworth -- thats a dreamy match up. Frankly, she might be pretty evenly matched with Iron Man too, as he was when he fought Thor in The Avengers.

Its probably best she go for Thor though, and leave Iron Man to Superman, because that is the mismatch of the century. All due respect to Iron Man, but if Tony Stark failed to get the kryptonite shot off effectively, Superman would waste him. This pairing gives the Justice League a big advantage. But what about the undercard, could that change things?

Captain Marvel, Blank Panther And The Hulk Vs. Aquaman, The Flash And CyborgThis is where things get even more interesting. Captain Marvel is a huge X-factor here. As powerful as she is, Aquaman, The Flash, and Cyborg would need to find a way to contain her. That may not even be possible, and if they do somehow manage to do it, how do they stop The Hulk?

Another issue is Aquaman. How does the Justice League maximize his strengths? Is there a way for him to face off with The Hulk and come out on top? That could tilt the battle significantly. He might be the only Justice League member that could handle The Hulk one on one (besides Superman of course).

The Flash is the weak point for the Justice League here, there just isnt a good match up for him among these Avengers. Maybe he can go after Black Panther but the more natural matchup for Black Panther seems like Cyborg, given both of their technology expertise?

But then that would leave Captain Marvel versus the Flash and that feels like a huge mismatch in favor of Marvels Avengers. So DCs The Justice League will need to counteract that somehow.

How The Avengers Could Beat The Justice LeagueIn a fight between The Avengers and The Justice League, there is one clear way The Avengers could come out on top.

First, Tony Stark would need that kryptonite particle shooter. With Iron Man taking a shot at Superman, stunning and weakening him, one mighty clobber from Thors hammer could send him spinning into space. Knocking Superman out of the fight (and far away from Earths sun) is the only chance they have to get the upper hand in the battle.

From there, it would still be up to Captain America to take out Batman, and in hand-to-hand combat, both heroes are pretty evenly matched, which makes Captain Americas shield the most important weapon here. If Captain America can hold off an onslaught of projectiles that Bruce Wayne would have certainly prepared with and get in close, he should be able to deflect some those back towards Batman and hopefully knock him out.

With Superman out of the fight, Thor and The Hulk would need to team up to take on the powerful Aquaman. The only way The Avengers would be able to overcome his speed and reflexes is with an all-out frontal assault by their two strongest members. If Thor and The Hulk could bat Aquaman around and back and forth for a few minutes, he just might be down for the count.

Meanwhile, that leaves Iron Man and Black Panther to hold off the The Flash and Cyborg for the time being. This will be a tough ask from the two. Black Panther would need every bit of strength and his ancestors knowledge to take down Cyborg, but if Iron Man can serve as bait, Cyborg could get distracted by trying to hack Jarvis and take out Tony Starks technology, then Black Panther would gain the advantage in hand to hand combat.

The Flash is a big part of this. How do The Avengers slow him down? Carol Danvers of course. If anyone is prepared for the incredible speed of The Flash, its the fighter pilot Captain Marvel. If she can catch him, she can take him out.

That leaves Wonder Woman. Hardly a slouch, right? With the others out of the battle, The Avengers would need all hands on deck to take out the mighty Wonder Woman. Thors Hammer is the only weapon that I really believe could do the trick here. He would need to get in a solid shot with his powerful hammer and leave her vulnerable to attack.

In the end The Avengers would be in rough shape, but they could stand victorious over their rivals. But what about an alternate universe, one where The Justice League prevails?

How The Justice League Could Beat The AvengersSo, how do The Justice League prevail in this epic battle against The Avengers? Well, they have Superman, and that alone gives them a major advantage. Cyborg is the key though.

Superman could take mighty blows from Hulk and Thor all day if Cyborg is able hack Jarvis, preventing Iron Man from releasing a hail of kryptonite particles on Superman. If Superman is at full strength, he could easily do a rope-a-dope against Thor and The Hulk until the other Avengers were taken out. But how does that happen?

With Jarvis hacked, Iron Man would be easy to take out. Wonder Woman would be free to take on Captain Marvel in a classic head-to-head matchup of the two most powerful women in the Universe. Wonder Womans best chance here would be to land some heavy blows and count in The Flash to harass Carol Danvers enough to allow for Wonder Womans blows to take effect. Wonder Womans god-level strength would overcome Captain Marvel and leave her jetting the other direction.

After Iron Man and Captain Marvel were sidelined, Batman would need to win his one on one with Captain America. To do this, he would need to be stealth, something he can excel at. Batman would need to devise a plan to get around Captain Americas shield and to do that, hell need to use his combat knowledge. Attacking Captain America from behind would be his best chance. Once he does, he would wrap Cap up and force him to watch from the sidelines.

Once Batman has done this, he and Cyborg would need to face Black Panther together. Only their combination of brains and brawn could match the Wakandans brains and brawn. They might be able to get some help from Wonder Woman at this point. It would be an epic hand-to-hand fight, but three on one is probably too much, even for Black Panther.

Now the attention of the entire Justice League could turn to the two most powerful Avengers, Thor and Hulk. Superman would be able to focus all his attention on Hulk, in what would be the most epic boxing match of all time, while Wonder Woman, The Flash, Cyborg, Aquaman and Cyborg would be able to focus on Thor. Cyborg would be a little out of his element, but in a battle of seriously powerful gods, Aquaman and Wonder Woman would be key to defeating Thor.

If Wonder Woman could deflect or even gasp catch Thors Hammer, Aquaman would have free reign to come down on the mighty Thor, meaning a God from the sea could sink the hero named for a Norse god.

With Thor out, its going to take all six members of Justice League to take out Hulk, unless Superman alone can demoralize him until he quits, which is probably what would happen.

Is This A Battle That Could Ever Really Happen?Well, probably not. Sure, there have been some epic crossover issues between DC and Marvel over the years, including a big one in 2002, but those came at time when both companies were struggling financially, which is definitely no longer the case and, of course, there are real-world constraints to this too. Both imprints are owned by two different enormous media companies DC is owned AT&T through Warner Brothers and Marvel is owned by Disney.

If The Predator can fight The Alien, and Jason can battle Freddy, What are the chances those two rivals would come together allow this battle to happen, to determine the supremacy of one media world over another? About as good a chance as Ant-Man would have against a giant bottle of Raid, so for now, well just have to live with speculation.

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The Meg Reviews Are In, Heres What The Critics Think

The Meg Reviews Are In, Heres What The Critics Think

The summer movie season is starting to wind down, but there are still a few major motion pictures left to hit the silver screen. One of those is finally surfacing this weekend in the form of The Meg, a science fiction/horror blockbuster that sees Jason Statham and his supporting cast combating a 75-foot Megalodon shark, a creature long thought extinct. Reviews for The Meg are finally flowing in, and overall, it looks like the Jon Turteltaub-directed movie is ranking towards the negative end of the mixed spectrum.

Starting off, CinemaBlend's own Mike Reyes gave The Meg two and a half out of five stars, proclaiming in his review that the movie takes itself way too seriously and that the studio would have been better off releasing the R-rated cut.

In the process of attempting to make The Meg a movie full of stupid fun, they forgot to have fun, but stayed square in the lane of stupid.

The Wrap's Alonso Duralde also wasn't fond of The Meg, saying in his review that although the movie nails the visual effects, the starring characters are uninteresting and lacking.

...Because director Jon Turteltaub is more interested in set pieces than in human beings, there's very little to care about between appearances of the title creature.

Giving The Meg a C+, Matt Goldberg from Collider said that the movie drags as it gets into the latter half, and while the movie is "good for what it is," the execution felt off.

There are some glorious highs in The Meg, and yet you always feel like it could go a little further, be more bonkers, shave off some of the runtime and go a little grislier with the chomping.

Reacting more positively to The Meg, Slashfilm's Matt Donato gave The Meg a 7.5 out of 10 score, noting that the actors sometimes feel like they're performing in a different story, but overall it's a "carnivorous Asylum-on-steroids megablast."

The Meg has its (slight) issues (including the gross underuse of Ruby Rose as the awesomely named Jaxx Herd), but ultimately achieves desired results for fans of such animalistic creature features.

Back to The Meg detractors, Eric Kohn from Indiewire gave the movie a C grade and declared that it fails to live up to what Jaws and Piranha 3D did before it.

Statham does what he can to salvage this cartoonish marine showdown, but director Jon Turteltaub can't resolve two very different tones.

Finally, Entertainment Weekly's Chris Nashawaty stamped The Meg with a B-, summarizing it as entertaining "nonsense."

The CGI is mediocre at best, and a romantic subplot with a single-mom scientist (Li Bingbing) is sentimental hooey. But it is ridiculous, cheesy popcorn fun. And Statham, God bless him, knows exactly what kind of guilty pleasure he's signed on for --- Sharknado with a bigger budget and a much bigger monster.

These are just a sampling of the reviews for The Meg, so feel free to browse around online to find out what other critics thought, or judge the movie for yourself when it swims into theaters this Friday, May 10. If you're curious about what other movies hit theaters later this year, look through our 2018 release schedule.

What do critics have to say about this twisted, horror-themed story about a corrupted Superman-like figure? Subscribe To Brightburn Reviews Are In, Here's What The Critics Think Updates close
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The Meg is one of 2018's last summer blockbuster offerings, and the reviews for the giant shark movie are in. Subscribe To The Meg Reviews Are In, Here's What The Critics Think Updates close
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The Meg Reviews Are In, Here's What The Critics Think Movies August 9, 2018 No Comments The summer movie season is starting to wind down, but there are still a few major motion pictures left to hit the silver screen.
Brightburn Reviews Are In, Here's What The Critics Think

The Meg Reviews Are In, Here's What The Critics Think

These are just some of the reviews out for Brightburn, so feel free to venture into other corners of the internet find out what other critics are saying. Overall, it sounds like Brightburn won't be everybody's cup of tea, but there are at least a scattering of moments for comic book and/or horror fans to enjoy.
Brightburn Reviews Are In, Here's What The Critics Think

With The Grinch finally arriving in theaters this weekend (it was originally supposed to come last year), reviews for the movie are now pouring in, and while it doesn't sound like it will become the most cherished of Christmas movies, there's still a fair amount from it to enjoy.
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The Meg Critics Consensus. I can no longer post long reviews on here and I'm not writing two separate reviews for the same movie. but do I think The Meg-a movie about a prehistoric shark