Theater Accidentally Screens R-Rated The Curse Of La Llorona Instead Of Detective Pikachu

Theater Accidentally Screens R-Rated The Curse Of La Llorona Instead Of Detective Pikachu

Movie theaters are busy places with a lot of moving parts, so it's to be expected that mistakes will happen. However, one recent theater error may have left lots of children scarred for life when instead of a screening of Detective Pikachu, an audience comprised largely of children, was subjected to The Curse of La Llorona and all the trailers that went with it.

The situation started when Ryan George went to a screening that was supposed to be Detective Pikachu. As one would expect, the theater had a lot of kids in it. They, and their parents, probably began to wonder when the first thing to happen after the lights went down was a trailer for a movie that those kids really didn't need to be subjected to. As George said on Twitter...

The theatre I'm in is playing a trailer for Annabelle Comes Home before Detective Pikachu LOOK AWAY CHILDREN OH NO

The children did not look away. As one might expect, this did not go well. If this had been a random mismatch of a trailer and had been an isolated incident, things probably would have been ok. However, it was not. The next trailer to run wasn't much better.

Andddd kids are crying. Now the Joker trailer is playing.

I can imagine at this point the parents might have been more upset than the kids. I can imagine very young children looking forward to Detective Pikachu simply being more confused by the Joker trailer than anything. Parents, however, were probably quite disturbed.

If you guessed that the terror did not end there, you'd be correct.


Yeah, the killer toy probably went over really well with both the kids and their parents. I can imagine.

Of course, as it turned out, the random horror movie trailers stuck in front of Detective Pikachu were actually just symptoms of a bigger problem, as the theater had actually mis-scheduled the screening and was actually playing Conjuring-verse movie The Curse of La Lorona instead of the Pokemon movie.


At some point, the mistake was realized and the movie was shut off, at which point the entire audience was moved into another theater that had, one assumes, started playing Detective Pikachu accidentally, as the new audience found the film waiting for them.

We've all been moved to another theatre where Detective Pikachu is just paused? At least there aren't any more murders on-screen

One certainly hopes they started the movie over from the beginning once the audience was seated.

With modern theaters it's now incredibly convenient to move any given movie to any screening room where it's needed with just a couple presses of a button. There's no need to physically move reels or even a disc. However, if those buttons are pressed in error, you can end up giving kids nightmares.

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Rocketmans Taron Egerton Says Theres Nothing More Intimidating Than Filming In Front Of Elton John

Rocketmans Taron Egerton Says Theres Nothing More Intimidating Than Filming In Front Of Elton John

Taron Egerton has done a lot in his years as an actor. Hes done tough, long shoots for action movies like Kingsman and Robin Hood and he even learned to ski for Eddie the Eagle. But nothing was quite like having to perform in front of Elton John for the upcoming flick Rocketman. According to Taron Egerton

There's really nothing more intimidating than performing in front of Elton. I don't think I could have done it if he was around a lot. But I think he knew that. He's very astute in that way.

Previously, while speaking onstage with director Dexter Fletcher at CinemaCon 2019, Taron Egerton also revealed to the audience that Elton John wasnt a major presence on the set of Rocketman, preferring the creative team to put together their own version of his life story without him present most of the time on the set.

However, THR also revealed that while Elton John only came and watched Taron Egerton during a day when he was performing Saturday Nights Alright For Fighting at a carnival in front of a group of extras, he did watch the dailies as they came in from the set.

Related: Watch Rocketman's Taron Egerton Sing "Tiny Dancer" With Real Elton John

Paramounts Rocketman was already preparing for release when Bohemian Rhapsody started winning awards early this year. The second musical biopic to come out in just as many years, Rocketman will follow the life of legendary singer and performer Elton John, who is currently on the road performing his farewell tour.

Paramount is likely hoping it will have a similar trajectory to Bohemian Rhapsody, which went on to gross over $900 million worldwide.

Theres no reason to think it couldnt, as Elton John is currently on a tour he has dubbed his Farewell Yellow Brick Road aka retirement tour, after a career spanning multiple decades and an absolute ton of record sales, over 300 million in fact. He's popular and the movies early trailers look great.

However, while the Queen biopic softened Freddie Mercurys story somewhat and kept to a PG-13 rating, the Rocketman team is going a lot harder, telling the full R-rated tale of Elton Johns life story, likely with some embellishments as well. R-rated movies can sell and sell well, but they certainly arent as friendly in some markets as others.

Previously, Taron Egerton talked about how he hopes to make Elton John happy with his portrayal when the movie comes out, noting,

Hes so universally loved, and I just want to make him happy really. Just getting over the pressure of it and having a good time.

No matter what ends up happening with this movie (although from the footage I saw at CinemaCon it looks great), Taron Egerton will be able to look back and say. 1. He did all of his own singing playing Elton John in this movie (which Malek did not as Mercury). 2. He cut his hair to create a receding hairline in this movie.

He did quite a lot to give Rocketman his all and well be able to see how it all pans outand hopefully exactly what Elton John thinkswhen the movie hits theaters on May 31. Take a look at what else is coming this summer with our full schedule.

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