Samuel L. Jackson Teases The Origin Of Nick Fury's Eye Injury In Captain Marvel


Samuel L. Jackson Teases The Origin Of Nick Fury's Eye Injury In Captain Marvel

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is in a fascinating place right now, with just two movies left before Phase Three concludes. While all eyes are on what will happen after Thanos' snap in Avengers: Endgame, there is a new origin story arriving first: Captain Marvel. Starring Brie Larson as the ultra-powerful title character, Captain Marvel will bring something new to the universe as a period piece set in 1995. And it'll bring back MCU favorites Nick Fury and Phil Coulson in the process.

The magic of CGI will de-age actors Clark Gregg and Samuel L. Jackson, with Marvel audiences privy to S.H.I.E.L.D. long before Tony Stark changed the world in Iron Man. Fury will also have both good eyes in the movie, and now Jackson revealed that the upcoming blockbuster will show how that injury came about. As he said,

You'll see, specifically, the origin of what happened to his eye. You'll find out that he does have a family, that's referenced. You don't see them, but they are referenced in another way. There are things we talk about in his backstory that haven't been talked about before -- where he's from, what he's done. There are times when he actually, humanly reacts to things with fear and awe, instead of the stone face that he normally has, before he learns to control his emotions in another way.

Well, this is exciting. With Nick Fury getting his first exposure to superpowered individuals and aliens with Captain Marvel, the iconic S.H.I.E.L.D. agent is going to be scarred from the incident-- both physically and emotionally. Are you pumped yet?

Samuel L. Jackson's comments teases how integral Nick Fury will likely be throughout the course of Captain Marvel. Focused on the fractured psyche and history of Brie Larson's Carol Danvers, Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck's movie will also feature plenty of MCU favorites-- while also fleshing out the cosmic side of the shared universe.

When audiences met Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury at the tail end of 2007's Iron Man, he was already a hardened S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, who revealed that the universe was much bigger than Tony Stark imagined. In his same conversation with ET, Samuel L. Jackson hinted at the long and storied past of his character, saying:

We don't talk about none of his war experiences. We talk about him being in the war, leaving the war, being a spy and some of the things he did when he was a spy that got him to this particular place. So, we get more of a backstory, and we get more of what turns him into this person that you originally meet in Iron Man.

Despite being the connective tissue of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the person that gathered the original Avengers, Nick Fury's backstory is still largely a mystery. And since he's been noticeably absent throughout Phase Three, news of his expanded role in Captain Marvel is extra exciting.

Captain Marvel will arrive in theaters on March 8th, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your trips to the movies in the New Year.

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