The Superpower Dogs Trailer, Narrated By Chris Evans, May Save Your Soul


The Superpower Dogs Trailer, Narrated By Chris Evans, May Save Your Soul

Captain America star Chris Evans narrated a movie about superhero dogs. The movie is called Superpower Dogs and it's opening in IMAX theaters starting March 15. The trailer is here, and it instantly cleared my skin, canceled my debt, and saved my soul. Embrace it as your new savior:

Those of you who follow Chris Evans on social media know his dog Dodger is the true star of his life. The combination of Evans as a real-life dog parent and his status as Marvel's Captain America must've made him the obvious choice to narrate this true story.

The actor retweeted IMAX's post on the trailer, saying he was honored to be part of this project:

Here's the official synopsis for Superpower Dogs:

Join an immersive IMAX adventure to experience the life-saving superpowers and extraordinary bravery of some of the worlds most amazing dogs. In this inspiring true story, our best friends are also real-life superheroes. Journey around the globe to meet remarkable dogs who save lives and discover the powerful bond they share with their human partners. Follow Halo, a rookie puppy training to join one of the most elite disaster response teams in America. Meet Henry, an avalanche rescue expert in the Canadian Rockies, Reef, a Newfoundland lifeguard with the Italian coastguard, Ricochet, a Californian surf legend helping people with special needs, and the Bloodhound brothers, Tipper & Tony, who are leading the fight to save endangered species in Africa. As we discover the incredible abilities of dogs and the astonishing science behind their superpowers, well never look at our best friends the same way again!

Wonderful. There are so many movies coming out this year with animals as lead characters, but these are real-life canine superheroes -- and it's great to see them get their day in the spotlight.

Chris Evans plays one of the most iconic superheroes of all time. There's a lot of speculation about Captain America's future after Avengers: Endgame. Steve Rogers was one of the lucky 50% to make it through Thanos' snap at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. However, there's conflicting information about whether this film will mark the end of Evans' run as Cap.

He appeared to say goodbye to the MCU after wrapping Avengers 4, but then the Russos made it seem like he wasn't quite done playing Captain America. Endgame seems to be in reshoots/additional photography right now, so maybe Evans will end up joining the returning actors.

Superpower Dogs opens in IMAX theaters March 15. Avengers: Endgame opens April 26. Keep an eye on everything coming to theaters this year in our handy 2019 movie schedule.

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