Sherlock Holmes 3 Is Coming Way Later Than We Expected

Sherlock Holmes 3 Is Coming Way Later Than We Expected

It's been eight years since we saw Robert Downey Jr. take the role of the big screen Sherlock Holmes and it had been so long we began to wonder if we would ever see the character again. We now know that we will, but it turns out we'll have to wait a bit longer than previously announced. While the third Sherlock Holmes movie had been set for a Christmas 2020 release, the feature has now been pushed back a full year to December 2021.

Originally set for a Christmas Day release in 2020, THR has now revealed the film will instead open December 22, 2021.

While release date shuffling is nothing new, it rarely happens without a reason, though the reason for this decision is not immediately clear. No other major releases have been announced to hit in December 2020 that might have sent Sherlock Holmes 3 looking for a more protected release window.

The film was already going to be going up against Avatar 2 in 2020 and will now instead be going up against Avatar 3. That's probably a slightly better position. The second film in the franchise, being the first one in years, is likely to draw a larger audience than the third, which will only be the first one in a year. It's like going up against Star Wars: The Last Jedi at the box office instead of The Force Awakens. It's possible the decision making was as simple as that.

Although, the more likely reason was simply one of scheduling. Perhaps production of Sherlock Holmes 3 needed to be pushed back and that resulted in the delay for the release as well. It could be that Robert Downey Jr. or Jude Law had something change in their schedules which has made the delay necessary. It could be that the script from Chris Brancato is taking longer than anticipated to finish. Perhaps another writer is coming in to rewrite or polish it which will result in it taking longer than previously scheduled.

It's also possible that the issue could be one of who is going to direct. Guy Ritchie directed both of the previous two Sherlock Holmes films but he has never been officially announced as directing Sherlock Holmes 3. If Ritchie is looking to direct, it could be his schedule that made the release date move if he won't be available to go into production later this year, Alternatively, it could be that the production is still looking for a director and thus had to push things back in order to have more time to find one.

In order to hit the 2020 release date Sherlock Holmes 3 would have needed to go into production later this year. Now, the film has an additional 12 months of breathing space. If fans have waited this long, they can wait another year.

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Kevin Smith's Hilarious Response To The Infinity War Trailer

Kevin Smith's Hilarious Response To The Infinity War Trailer

The final trailer for next month's Avengers: Infinity War debuted this morning, and it teases a film that is every bit as expansive and epic as ten years of hype have led us to hope for. We here at CinemaBlend had visceral reactions to the trailer, and beyond crying, fainting and drooling, we even managed to say a few words about it. Naturally, whenever such superhero goodness debuts, it's always fun to see what professional comic book nerd and uber fanboy Kevin Smith has to say about it. The director, who recently survived a heart attack, joked about his situation in light of the trailer's debut. Take a look:

What an apprpriately Kevin Smith response. In the wake of his heart attack, the director has given candid and reflective assessments of the situation and his life, but he has never lost his sense of humor. I'm glad that Kevin Smith survived, not just on a human level, but because he will get to see Avengers: Infinity War, and there are few people who this movie will mean more to. But shouldn't a comic book fan who gets as excited as he does check with his doctor before watching something like this trailer, much less the movie? I don't know how much research has been done on the human heart's tolerance for this level of awesomeness. Also, based on this Twitter post, I guess someone ought to inform Kevin Feige, the most important Kevin, that he is now responsible for Kevin Smith's life. And hey, if Kevin Smith wants to use his life to blackmail Kevin Feige into extending his tenure at Marvel Studios, I won't stop him.

While most of us didn't just survive a near-death experience, it is easy to feel the same way as Kevin Smith does. There are just certain things I simply cannot allow myself to die without seeing. Film fans like us see a new trailer and think "Damn! I guess I've gotta make it another year." And that doesn't even end with Infinity War; there's still Avengers 4 and Phase 4 on the way, so Kevin Smith will have to really embrace his new veganism. It's fun to joke about, but you can never underestimate the life-affirming power of movies. Having something to look forward to in life, whatever it is, can be a huge motivating factor to get you through the day and help you make positive changes.

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