An Epic Stan Lee Mural Has Popped Up In Paris


An Epic Stan Lee Mural Has Popped Up In Paris

In recent years, Stan Lee mastered the superpower of showing up unexpectedly in just about every piece of entertainment from Marvel and his legacy continues in the afterlife. Out of the blue, the comic book icon is gracing the streets of Paris with his larger-than-life personality and infectious smile. Check out this beautiful mural that just popped up in France:

What an awesome homage to the late-great Stan Lee. The French mural (via Reddit) includes a portrait of him in the center of the Marvel Comics logo and hanging out among his most memorable heroes The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man and Spider-Man. The street art also includes the message Excelsior! You were the best hero! and a few instances of RIP 1922-2018.

Mural cameos of the legend have previously popped up in Glasgow, Scotland and Los Angeles, California shortly after his passing back in November. Take a look at the making of LA tribute to him which was created just days after his death:

It goes to show that fans wont soon forget the comic book writer who left 60 years of memorable comic book characters and stories behind with him. Stars such as Jeremy Renner still share their fond memories of him. The Russo Brothers recently revealed a set photo of his final cameo in Avengers: Endgame as well.

After years of regular appearances in Marvel films and television shows, his last cameos have now all been seen, most notably with his poignant voice over in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and adorable exchange with Carol Danvers in Captain Marvel. He was also given a tribute during the Marvel opening for Captain Marvel that got fans emotional before the March release had even begun.

Stan Lee may have played a role in the culmination Avengers: Endgame was for the MCU, he however never got to witness it in all its glory. Kevin Feige broke the news last month, explaining he would always wait until the premieres to get his fix on Marvels latest offerings.

Despite all of his success, the icon had a tough final year as he faced the loss of his wife, multiple robberies and was granted a restraining order against his business manager, who now faces elder abuse charges for his previous actions toward Lee.

Stan Lee is undoubtedly an important pop culture figure who will be receiving a continuous shower of love and homage for as long as his comic book heroes continue to be prominent. (So forever?) Marvel films have become the biggest blockbusters in the world, with Spider-Man: Far From Home soon hitting theaters on July 3 and an upcoming Phase 4 lineup for the studio.

A mural in Paris from r/Marvel

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