One Marvel Cameo You May Not Have Noticed In Avengers: Infinity War


One Marvel Cameo You May Not Have Noticed In Avengers: Infinity War

Obviously, there's tons of characters in Avengers: Infinity War. They range in size from the big franchise leads to the smaller side characters, creating one of the most packed blockbusters ever filmed. While the movie is filled with big name stars right there are on the poster, there are a few cameos hidden in there as well. While you were busy gushing over Iron Man, Thor, and Black Panther, there's a really strong chance that this cameo whizzed completely unnoticed right by you. Actor Kenneth Branagh, director of Thor, may have provided his voice right at the beginning of the movie.

When we talk about secret cameos in Avengers: Infinity War, probably nothing will trump that cameo, which I won't spoil here even though over $1 billion worth of people have seen the movie. No, this cameo is much more lowkey and it comes right at the very start of the movie. Even before the opening Marvel Studios logo has finished, a voice rings out, stating that an Asgardian ship is under attack and is in dire need of help. Help ends up arriving too late, but apparently, the voice of the unnamed Asgardian who sent out the distress signal might belong to Kenneth Branagh.

After watching the movie, some fans have claimed that they recognized the voice of the distress signal as none other than Kenneth Branagh (via Daily Dot). It's important to note that Marvel hasn't confirmed this yet, so we can't say for sure that the voice belongs to Branagh, but it makes sense if it is.

Way back in the infancy of the MCU, when this whole cinematic universe was a wild experiment in filmmaking, Branagh had the unenviable task of introducing audiences to Thor for the first time. While Thor doesn't quite compare to some of the later films in the MCU, it's a solid introduction to the character and Branagh does a good job of giving the movie an air of Shakespearean family drama.

If Kenneth Branagh was involved with Infinity War, even in this limited scope, he would join the ranks of MCU directors who helped with the epic blockbuster. Jon Favreau and James Gunn both served as executive producers on the movie, with Gunn providing insight and some dialogue for the Guardians of the Galaxy parts. Favreau appeared to have a cameo as Happy Hogan, but that might have ended up on the cutting room floor.

If you really want to know if that's Kenneth Branagh's voice then go see Avengers: Infinity War, which is still in theaters. The summer is only just beginning, so here's our list of summer movies to look forward to over the next few months. For everything else arriving in theaters this year, be sure to check out our 2018 movie release schedule.

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