The Funniest Scene In Venom Was Completely Improvised By Tom Hardy


The Funniest Scene In Venom Was Completely Improvised By Tom Hardy

Normally when making a movie, the filmmakers want to stick to the script as closely as possible, but sometimes opportunities present themselves that allow for certain things to be changed at the last minute. That's what happened with Venom in a scene where Eddie Brock has only recently bonded with the symbiote. Wanting to kick things up a few notches, star Tom Hardy told director Ruben Fleischer that he wanted to jump into the lobster tank that was built onto the set, thus resulting in Venom's funniest scene. As Fleischer explained to CinemaBlend:

One of my favorite moments in the movie is when he's in the Bistro, and he's freaking out, and that's the first time he hears Venom in public, and he ends up jumping into a lobster tank. That was something that we hadn't planned. We went to rehearse the scene at the set, and the production designer had planned for a giant lobster tank in the middle of the restaurant. And Tom goes, 'Well, I must get in that [if] there's going to be a giant lobster tank. Of course I'm going to go in it!' For me, that's like a really fun moment in the movie and that's really unexpected and that was all just Tom leading us in that direction, which ended up being such a great instinct.

CinemaBlend's own Sean O'Connell recently had the opportunity to speak with Ruben Fleischer ahead of Venom's release, and during the interview, Fleischer went into detail on how Tom Hardy escalated Eddie Brock's freakout upon hearing the symbiote's voice for the first time in a restaurant to straight up dunking himself into a lobster tank full of water. It's also worth noting that this tank wasn't empty of living creatures when Tom Hardy decided to take a dip. Originally there were live lobsters in the tank, so once Hardy let Fleischer know what he was going to do, the crew had to evict the lobsters and replace them with plastic lobsters so that the actor wouldn't be clawed. None of this was supposed to happen as Venom was initially conceived, but thanks to Hardy's thinking, the scene became much funnier and more memorable.

You'd think that jumping into a lobster tank would be one of Tom Hardy's favorite scenes to act out in Venom, and while that may be the case, the actor also revealed that there's 30 to 40 minutes worth of scenes he enjoyed shooting that didn't make it into the final cut. That's the tricky thing about assembling a movie: scenes that were scripted might not ultimately be seen by the masses, and ones that weren't planned might get to be shown on the big screen. In any case, it sounds like Hardy didn't hold back with performing Eddie Brock's origin story, and in a few days, we'll see the fully realized Venom clash with The Life Foundation, which has plenty of other symbiotes to unleash upon the world.

Venom opens in theaters this Friday, October 5. If you're interested in learning what other movies are coming out before the year is over, head to our 2018 release schedule.

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