We May Know Why Colin Trevorrow Was Fired From Star Wars: Episode IX

We May Know Why Colin Trevorrow Was Fired From Star Wars: Episode IX

The Star Wars franchise is back up and running, and its showing no signs of slowing anytime soon. With Disney now in charge of the property, fans have been treated to a new addition to the beloved galaxy every year. While movies like The Last Jedi and Rogue One have been critical and financial successes, there has been some behind the scenes drama in the next two installments. Both Solo and Episode IX have lost their original directors, after apparent conflict with Lucasfilm. Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow was original set to helm Episode IX, before being replaced by J.J. Abrams. And now we haven an idea why.

Ahead of the release of Solo, some more information is coming out about the inner workings of the Star Wars franchise. The most recent report indicates that Colin Trevorrow was let go from Episode IX after producing an unsatisfactory script. This apparently was met with the ire of Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy, who ended the working relationship.

This latest report, which comes to us from The Wall Street Journal, seems to echo some of the conversation revolving around the Star Wars franchise. Because Kathleen Kennedy is running the show over at Lucasfilm, she's got a fair amount of say and power over each new blockbuster. And if directors aren't bringing what they need to, the company is happy to respectfully part ways with their collaborators. I guess that's show business.

While not confirmed by either party, this story seems to echo what happened on the set of Solo: A Star Wars Story. Directors Chris Miller and Phil Lord were famously fired halfway through filming, before Ron Howard stepped in to finish the project. Kathleen Kennedy has maintained that decision was because of how the film was (or wasn't) progressing during production, although she's had nothing but kind words to say about the directors. Colin Trevorrow's departure from Episode IX was luckily a bit earlier in development, allowing J.J Abarams to maintain full ownership over the upcoming threequel.

Because the Star Wars franchise is on such a hot streak right now, the pressure is on for everyone involved in the property to continue producing financial and critical successes. But Solo and Episode IX mark the first time that a director change has happened during a Star Wars project. As such, fans and critics are going to be watching each frame with a magnifying glass.

Up first is Solo: A Star Wars Story, which is set to arrive in just a few weeks time. The standalone movie also had the added pressure of recasting classic characters like Han Solo and Lando Clarissian. And considering Han's fate in The Force Awakens, there will be an extra emotional layer to watching his origin.

Solo: A Star Wars Story will arrive in theaters on May 25th, 2018, and Episode IX will hit May December 20, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

That is to say, since the Tuesday announcement of Colin Trevorrow's firing as director of Star Wars: Episode IX (with Lucasfilm reaching the conclusion that his and the company's "visions
We May Know Why Colin Trevorrow Was Fired From Star Wars

The Star Wars world was left shaken last year when it was announced that director Colin Trevorrow had been fired from Episode IX.That catch-all term of "creative differences" was wheeled out
Here's Why Colin Trevorrow Was Fired from Star Wars 9

With Colin Trevorrow's departure from Star Wars: Episode IX, every Hollywood commentator was working overtime to try and unearth the reasons why.
Now We Know Why Colin Trevorrow Was Fired From 'Star Wars

A new article in the Wall Street Journal details the reason behind the firing of Colin Trevorrow from Star Wars: Episode IX. The article goes into the script issues that were happening between
Rumour: Colin Trevorrow fired from Star Wars: Episode IX due

Star Wars 9: Why Colin Trevorrow Was Fired | Collider
A new report sheds light on why 'Jurassic World' filmmaker Colin Trevorrow was fired from writing and directing 'Star Wars 9', confirming that Rian Johnson was approached to take over.
Why was Colin Trevorrow Fired from Star Wars? - vulture.com

Rumour: Colin Trevorrow fired from Star Wars: Episode IX due to disagreements over The Last Jedi. You and I both know Luke will be around in Episode IX, and remaining a mentor to Rey and
Star Wars 9: Details On Colin Trevorrow's Canceled Version

Turns out, certain white male directors can fail upwards for only so long, and what we have been discovering of late is that the ceiling for directors who lack the requisite talent is apparently Star Wars movies. It's not always that lack of talent catches up to directors; sometimes, simply being an asshole can get you fired.
Colin Trevorrow Fired From Star Wars: Episode IX Because He

Colin Trevorrow's Star Wars 9 will go down as one of the great unknowns of the Star Wars saga. Trevorrow was brought in as director of the film back in August 2015, with the aim of bringing the sequel trilogy to a triumphant close. However, his time with Lucasfilm came to an abrupt end in September 2017, after two years on the project.
Colin Trevorrow 'Episode IX' Departure Is Bad News For Disney

Colin Trevorrow was original set to helm Episode IX, before being replaced by J.J. Abrams. And now we haven an idea why. Subscribe To We May Know Why Colin Trevorrow Was Fired From Star Wars
Star Wars 9: Insiders reveal why Colin Treverrow was fired

Sep 05, 2017 · Colin Trevorrow 'Episode IX' Departure Is Bad News For Disney's 'Star Wars' We wish Colin the best and will be sharing more information about the film soon." I don't know why Trevorrow

Ma Is Hilarious, But That Probably Wasn't The Movie's Intent

Ma Is Hilarious, But That Probably Wasn't The Movie's Intent

Warning! The following contains spoilers regarding Ma. Read at your own risk!

As I drove to the theater for my screening of Ma, I was half regretting my decision to attend. Sunday nights are for relaxing, and seeing a horror movie in which a woman befriends and then torments teenagers didn't seem like a calm and relaxing way to prepare for the work week ahead.

As it turns out, I was completely wrong. Ma is the hardest I've laughed in a theater in some time, and though I still have yet to see Booksmart, it may be one of the funniest movies I've seen in 2019. Unfortunately, that's probably not really the point of the movie, which was billed and presented itself as a horror movie. So, why then was I laughing as opposed to jumping out of my theater seat? Let's dive in.

Ma Is An Objectively Hilarious CharacterMa does a solid job of making Sue Ann appear unhinged, and the story of how she got to where she is laid all that out perfectly. Where it struggles, however, is that her more manic moments in the film portray her less as a frightening sociopath and more of a somewhat hilarious individual. Whether she unexpectedly pulled a gun on a teen or karate kicked a pile of beer cans over, I was laughing.

For what it's worth, I think this is more a product of the film's tone and story than anything related to Octavia Spencer. She did bring an intensity to the role I haven't seen in her past work, but those scenes lack the music or build up of tension needed to make those moments legitimately scary. Instead, there might be a chuckle or two as Ma frequently comes out of left field with some actions that come out of nowhere!

The Gore In Ma Is More Cartoonish Than FrighteningJust to get this out of the way right now, Ma is not a movie I would consider to be excessively gory. Most of the violence happens in the latter part of the feature, but hoo boy, when it arrives it really makes an entrance. Fans see a pretty brutal death to kick things up, and things really escalate from that point on.

As the header states though, it's not at all scary. One death feels straight up like something out of a Final Destination movie, and the rest are weird, but almost cartoonish in how they go down. Those who haven't seen the movie need only wait until the final scenes of Ma to understand. It's necessarily as weird as the paint scene (you'll know when you watch), but just an odd display of violence when things seemed more grounded before.

The Teens In Ma Aren't Sympathetic And Make Terrible DecisionsOne thing that makes Ma especially funny to me was the lack of emotion I felt towards the teenage cast, who also somehow fell below the standard for teens that make bad decisions in horror films. Like, it's one thing to do the stereotypical trope of running upstairs when being chased by a mass murderer, but these characters do that equivalent while adding "don't forget your knife!" on the way up.

Now, that situation doesn't literally happen, but it might as well have as it's pretty clear from the get go that Sue Ann is bad news. Yet they continue to show up at her house, which can certainly make the audience feel more like "well that's what you get" rather than, "oh poor kids." It also doesn't help that we only the smallest details about each character, which in turn could leave folks largely unaffected by what happens to them.

Ma Has A Good Deal Of Seemingly Intentional HumorFor all the moments in Ma that are unintentionally funny, there are some moments that were brought in, I'm assuming, to lighten the mood with some actual humor. At least, that's what we can assume when it comes to Allison Janney's Dr. Brown, whose sole purpose throughout the movie is to be on Sue Ann's ass whenever she's slacking off on the job.

Another bizarre character was Dominic Burgess' Stu, a relatively minor character with a performance that really sticks out and makes you think he has a larger part to play. Alas he doesn't, although the effort he put into the role really has me wondering if he maybe had more scenes that were cut later in development? Whatever the case, characters like this elevate the humor exponentially, but drastically reduce the creepiness and horror elements.

Ma's Ending Is Just So Damn BizarreMassive spoiler warning for those that don't want to know the ending of the movie. You've been warned! Sue Ann/Ma ends up drugging all the teens and keeping them in their basement, and after some unique punishments for most of the characters, Maggie's mom Erica arrives with Stu and the house goes up in flames. Maggie stabs Ma in order to rescue Ma's secret daughter (which is the twist I'm assuming promotions are touting).

Ma is stabbed and everybody else escapes and chills in the front yard in shock of what all happened. Meanwhile, Ma comes to in the burning house and casually watches everyone from the window of her living room. Again, the house is on fire, but she decides to head upstairs, curl up in bed with the dead man that orchestrated her sexual assault when she was younger and wait for the flames to take her. Fade to black, credits roll.

There's no resolution and no falling action; Ma just dips in its most pivotal scene like it has somewhere to be. It's arguably the most hilarious part of the movie, because we're left to wonder what the hell happens in the minutes that follow. Alas, it's an answer that may only come if Ma 2 gets made, which I'd honestly be on board with. Let Ma escape and bump the camp up even further in a sequel, and I'm 100% there.

Annabelle Comes Home Is Definitely Not A Horror Comedy, But It Will Have Funny Moments

Ma is currently in theaters right now for those who haven't seen it yet. Those that have can feel free to share their thoughts in the comments, and let us know if they'd be up for Ma 2.

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Why Didn't Anyone Go See Missing Link?

Why Didn't Anyone Go See Missing Link?

There's all this talk about Hellboy under-performing in its opening weekend -- the hellish, going up in flames jokes write themselves -- taking third place below both Shazam! and Little. But Missing Link would've been happy with such a finish. Instead, it opened in 9th place, even after playing on more screens than fellow newcomers Hellboy, Little, and After.

Missing Link only made $5.8 million in its opening weekend at the domestic box office. That's the lowest opening yet for Laika. The stop-motion animated adventure -- starring the voice talents of Hugh Jackman, Zach Galifianakis, and Zoe Saldana -- had been tracking for $8 million-$12 million, per THR. That's still not a wow, but this is worse.

So what happened?

Sometimes you can look to reviews. But not this time. Hellboy, After, and Little were all trounced by critics, with 15%, 13%, and 49% respective Rotten Tomatoes scores. Missing Link, on the other hand, has an 89% RT score with a still positive 74% audience score. Missing Link also earned a B+ CinemaScore from moviegoers polled opening night. That's the same score as Little, and higher than After's B and Hellboy's C.

So it wasn't bad reviews, which was probably a factor in turning people away from Hellboy. With Missing Link, I'd wager lack of publicity was a factor. I may not have been the target audience, but I saw very few ads for this movie. Then again, I could say the same for the romantic drama After, which opened above Missing Link with $6.2 million from 2,138 screens. That's a thousand fewer screens than Missing Link, which opened in 3,413 theaters.

Missing Link actually opened in about a hundred more theaters than Hellboy, and nearly a thousand more than Little. It had fewer than Shazam! but the per-screen average for Missing Link was only $1,712, vs. $5,838 for Shazam! this week, $5,811 for second place Little, and $3,638 for Hellboy.

Expect a lot of chatter about the Hellboy reboot and what that could mean, but I'm wondering what this could mean for the studio behind Oscar-nominated films Coraline, ParaNorman, The Boxtrolls, and Kubo and the Two Strings. Maybe the international box office will help.

None of the Laika films have been blockbusters, but worldwide Coraline made $124.6 million in 2009, with $75M of that from the domestic box office. Subsequent films made a bit less money, per Box Office Mojo. Kubo and the Two Strings has the lowest total so far with $69.9 worldwide -- $48M from domestic -- after its opening in 2016. Missing Link looks to be on track to end with less.

Missing Link could be one of those films that picks up as it goes along, but with Avengers: Endgame coming April 26, there isn't much time to build momentum. That thing is going to take over all screens. As we wait to see what happens from here, be sure to come back to CinemaBlend to check out our weekend box office roundup, and bookmark our 2019 movie schedule to keep up with everything headed to theaters this year.

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