James Gunn Has Thoughts About People Who Purposefully Spoiled Avengers: Infinity War


James Gunn Has Thoughts About People Who Purposefully Spoiled Avengers: Infinity War

Massive spoilers ahead for Avengers: Infinity War. If you haven't seen it yet, turn away!In the world of movies and entertainment, there is nothing bigger than Avengers: Infinity War. 10 years and 18 blockbusters cumulated in the explosive blockbuster that essentially ended the Marvel Cinematic Universe as we know it. The stakes for the Russo Brothers' massive ensemble piece were at an all-time high, and a massive amount of fatalities were passed out during the film's runtime. The directors, actors, and fans have all urged moviegoers not to spoil the film's contents, although trolls seem pretty much inevitable. One such moviegoer recently revealed that they ruined Infinity War's ending for a group of people, and Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn had a hilarious and blunt response.

This guy isn't messing around. While it's not even his movie, James Gunn maintains that all those who dare to spoil the contents of Avengers: Infinity War are bound to die alone and penniless. That, or Drax will just come kick your ass.

James Gunn's Tweet seems to echo what everyone has been saying about Avengers: Infinity War. It's a movie that is meant to be seen from a fresh perspective, therefore allowing the myriad emotional moments and character deaths to surprise and affect the audience. Although there's quite a few twists and surprise character deaths that happen throughout the film, ruining the ending in particular sounds like a grave offense punishable by guaranteed unhappiness.

The Russo Brothers teased that the stakes were going to be high for Avengers: Infinity War, but no one could have predicted how many insane twists and fatalities would occur. It was clear they were down to business within the first 5 minutes, when Loki was strangled to death in front of his brother's eye. This was only one of many deaths, with the most shocking coming during the film's ending.

No one expected the Russo Brothers to have Thanos succeed, and therefore kill half of the galaxy with the snap of a finger. Fans were left to watch in horror as hero after hero simply ceased to exist-- with perhaps the most emotionally exhausting being Spider-Man's disappearance and his begging Tony to help. Going into the movie with this knowledge would ruin the overall feel of the movie, and could arguably make Infinity War's 2 hours and 40 minute runtime not even worth it.

Once moviegoers finally see Infinity War (hopefully free of spoilers), the next question is: now what?! Avengers 4 will presumably focus on the OG members of the team, who have all miraculously survived Thanos' snap of death. This should be a great way to properly feature the actors whose contracts are up, although it's unclear if/how anyone will be brought back from the dead.

Avengers: Infinity War is in theaters now, and Avengers 4 will arrive on May 3, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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