Watch Thors Roommate Darryl Interact With Grandmaster In Hilarious Marvel Video


Watch Thors Roommate Darryl Interact With Grandmaster In Hilarious Marvel Video

Warning: SPOILERS for Thor: Ragnarok are ahead!

When we met Grandmaster in Thor: Ragnarok last November, he was living the good life as the ruler of Sakaar, but thanks to Korg, Miek and the other gladiators staging a revolution on the gladiatorial world, Jeff Goldblum's character was ousted from power and last seen trying to talk his way out of being killed by his former subjects. If you're like me, you've been wondering what happened to Grandmaster, and now we have our answer: he's moved to Earth. A couple days ahead of Thor: Ragnarok's Digital HD release, a first look at the comical clip attached to the movie's bonus features that shows Grandmaster living with Thor's former roommate, Darryl.

Because Thor was one of the few MCU heroes who didn't participate in Captain America: Civil War, Marvel decided to show what the God of Thunder was up to during the conflict through the Team Thor videos, the first of which was released at the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con and the second of which was attached to Doctor Strange's home media release. In these mockumentary-style shorts, we learned that Thor had taken a break from the superhero business and was living in Australia with Darryl, an office worker exasperated by how his Asgardian roommate's personality. In this clip from the upcoming Team Darryl short, provided by USA Today, Darryl reveals that Thor has since left, but due to his a new position coming up at his work, he is now living in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, the only person who answered Darryl's Craigslist ad for a new roommate in the City of Angels was Grandmaster, and it's immediately clear that Darryl's in for another rough living situation.

With Sakaar no longer under his control, Grandmaster decided to head to Earth to experience our West Coast culture, which apparently includes learning what toast is. With his assistant/bodyguard Topaz no longer with us, Grandmaster has a new opening for someone to attend to his needs, and Darryl is the man for the job. Darryl undoubtedly is uninterested in being Grandmaster's servant, and you can bet it won't take long for him to grow annoyed by his new roommate's mannerisms and that freaky bust he's displayed in the living room. Seriously, that's the thing of nightmares.

After teasing that last October that he'd shot "a thing" with Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi involving a roommate from Australia, it was confirmed last month that Team Darryl would be one of the many bonus features available on the Ragnarok home release. Of course, these shorts aren't canon within the MCU, so while it's fun to imagine that Grandmaster is now living in Los Angeles and getting his Hollywood on, the fact of the matter is that we don't know what's next for him post-Ragnarok. Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has expressed interest in Grandmaster hanging out with his brother, The Collector (played by Benicio del Toro), but who knows if that will actually happen.

You can watch all of Team Darryl when you buy Thor: Ragnarok digitally starting next Tuesday, February 20, or you can wait for the Blu-ray to arrive on March 6. Thor will return alongside the other MCU heroes when Avengers: Infinity War comes out on May 4.

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