Why The New Mutants Reshoots Are A Good Thing, According To Anya Taylor-Joy


Why The New Mutants Reshoots Are A Good Thing, According To Anya Taylor-Joy

While comic book movies are everywhere, 20th Century Fox's X-Men franchise was largely ahead of the game. The Marvel mutants have been occupying the silver screen since the 2000 original, and the property is showing no signs of slowing down. Aside from the main franchise installments, there's also the Deadpool movies, and the upcoming superhero horror flick The New Mutants. Directed by Josh Boone, the film will follow a group of young superpowered kids, as they fight for survival in a shady facility. After the first trailer premiered, fans are eager to see more of the movie, which has been delayed over a year to facilitate reshoots and Fox's release schedule. Actress Anya Taylor-Joy will play Illyana Rasputin / Magik in the upcoming blockbuster, and recently revealed what the reshoots are focusing on.

I think we're making the movie that we set out to make, in the beginning. That's what we're going to end up delivering to people. It feels like the movie we all signed up to do, which is good.

Well, this is exciting. Despite a later release date and some reshoots, it appears that The New Mutants is working hard to deliver what it promised: a bonafide horror movie set in a comic book universe.

Anya Taylor-Joy's comments to Collider will likely be a relief for the X-Men fans out there. Because while the franchise preceded the MCU and DC universe, the results have been a bit of a mixed bag. Projects like Logan and Deadpool were appreciated by critics and comic book fans, but installments like X-Men: The Last Stand and Apocalypse prove that the X-Men franchise is a bit hit or miss. Now let's hope that The New Mutants doesn't end up becoming the latter.

Excitement about The New Mutants began before it even began filming, mostly due to its cast of familiar faces. Fans are eager to see Game of Thrones actress Maisie Williams as Wolfsbane, as well as Stranger Things' Charlie Heaton and Anya Taylor-Joy herself. And rather than a fun and scrappy tale of young X-Men, The New Mutants will follow as its superpowered protagonists struggle with their mental health, mutants abilities, and the forces that keep them trapped in the facility. This ain't Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters, that's for sure. So bring on the jump scared and unsettling imagery-- the fans are ready.

As far as Anya Taylor-Joy's Magik goes, there are definitely exciting places to take the character in the future. She's actually the sister of X-Man Colossus, who has become a bigger character thanks to his role in the Deadpool franchise. It should be interesting to see if the siblings ever get a chance to meet on the big screen. And with Fox and Disney's merger looming in the background, it's also possible that she could eventually show up in the MCU.

The New Mutants will finally arrive in theaters on August 2, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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