New Lego Movie 2 Trailer Makes Fun Of Chris Pratts Many Blockbusters


New Lego Movie 2 Trailer Makes Fun Of Chris Pratts Many Blockbusters

The LEGO Movie was something of a surprise considering just how good it was, making it the start of yet another franchise starring Chris Pratt. The former Parks & Recreation actor has come a long way now that he's the hero of numerous film series, and The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part isn't going to let that joke pass it by, as the new trailer shows. Check it out.

The first part of this trailer we've seen before. the LEGO world that our characters live in has become a desolate wasteland following the events of the first movie. Things go from bad to worse when a spacecraft arrives and kidnaps Wyldstyle and most of the rest of our heroes, leaving only Emmitt, voiced by Chris Pratt, to save them all.

However, once he flies off to fo the rescuing bit, he finds himself being rescued by a brash and scruffy hero named Rex Dangervest. It turns out Rex is a galaxy defending, archeologist, cowboy, raptor trainer, which is a pretty eclectic and awesome set of skills. It's also, of course, a rundown of all the jobs that Cris Pratt's characters have had in his recent films like Guardians of the Galaxy, Jurassic World, and The Magnificent Seven.

Although Chris Pratt has yet to play an actual archeologist, though he has been rumored to be a possible successor of the Indiana Jones franchise, and maybe The LEGO Movie 2 thought that would be a done deal by the time it came out.

Of course, the rest of the joke is that Rex Dangervest is actually voiced by Chris Pratt as well. Making this yet another of his uber-macho characters.

Of course, the fact that Chris Pratt's other character, Emmitt the construction worker, is so much the opposite of the persona that Chris Pratt has built in movies in recent years, beyond simply being a yellow plastic toy, is part of the joke to begin with. In the first film, the character was the "chosen one" but even that was mostly just a joke and the character's averageness is what makes him so endearing.

The first LEGO Movie was surprising in just how good it was considering the fact that it based an entire story around interlocking bricks. Certainly, the bar will be raised that much higher for a sequel. How will The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part be able to shake up expectations considering how well received the first movie was? There's little hint of that in this trailer, but to be fair there was little hint in the run-up to the first movie either, so we'll have to wait and see.

The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part will be in theaters this February. In addition to the return of Chris Pratt, Elizabeth Banks, and Will Arnett as LEGO Batman, the film will see the addition of new characters voiced by the likes of Tiffany Haddish, Stephanie Beatriz, and Arturo Castro.

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