San Andreas 2? The Director Updates Us On The Status Of The Project


San Andreas 2? The Director Updates Us On The Status Of The Project

Given the star power of Dwayne Johnson and the box office success of the original, San Andreas 2 was a project that entered development very quickly after the first one... but it hasn't made a ton of headlines in recent months. There are many reasons to explain why this is, but part of it may be the fact that director Brad Peyton isn't sure how it currently fits into his priorities. He recently told me,

I don't know what I'm going to do next. I would happily do San Andreas 2, or Rampage 2, or anything with Dwayne. But I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do next.

Brad Peyton has worked with Dwayne Johnson on three straight movies - Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, San Andreas, and Rampage - and while he's open to collaborate again, he has no idea what the project should be right now. I sat down with the filmmaker during the Los Angeles junket for Rampage this past week, and it was at the end of my interview that I specifically asked about San Andreas 2. His answer wasn't exactly, "It goes into production next week," as it seems the thing is currently just hanging in the ether.

In the original San Andreas, based on a screenplay by Carlton Cuse, Andre Fabrizio, and Jeremy Passmore, Dwayne Johnson starred as Raymond Gaines, a first responder helicopter pilot. These skills come in quite handy when his home state of California is rocked by the biggest earthquake the planet has ever seen, and he has to vertically cross the state to save his wife (Carla Gugino) and daughter (Alexandra Daddario). Reports about the sequel suggest that it will involve what's known as the Ring of Fire, which is a circle of fault lines around the Pacific Ocean that is home to the vast majority of the world's quakes.

You can watch Brad Peyton talk about the current development status of San Andreas 2 by clicking play on the video below!

While we currently have no idea when San Andreas 2 might come together, fans won't have to wait long at all to see the most recent collaboration between Dwayne Johnson and Brad Peyton. Rampage will be arriving in theaters nationwide this weekend - so be on the lookout. Between now and then, be on the lookout for my review of the movie as well as more from my interviews with the director and stars. And to see the full slate of major films hitting the big screen this year, check out our 2018 movie release calendar.

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