Mark Hamill Admits He Was Intimidated To Voice Chucky In A Childs Play

Mark Hamill Admits He Was Intimidated To Voice Chucky In A Childs Play

Between playing Luke Skywalker and the definitive animated Joker, Mark Hamill has a whole lot of iconic going on. It apparently never gets old. The Star Wars actor signed on to voice the reimagining of one of the horror genres most recognizable villains: Chucky. Hamill felt the daunting weight of his role of his upcoming Childs Play release. In his words:

When I agreed to it, and it sunk in that they wanted me to do this, I felt intimidation like I hadn't felt since I did the Joker. I thought, when I auditioned for the Joker, there's no way they're going to cast this icon of virtue, Luke Skywalker, as the Joker. Forget about it. So I had no performance anxiety because I knew they couldn't hire me. It's only when they hired me that I really thought, Oh no, I can't do this because so many people have expectations of what he's supposed to sound like.

When Mark Hamill auditioned for the role of Joker in the 90s show Batman: The Animated Series, his famed role hung over his head, as he notes in the Los Angeles Childs Play press conference (via Den of Geek). He auditioned, but didnt expect hed actually nab the role. His Joker opened the door for him to another chapter of his life beyond lightsabers and Death Stars. Hamill still lends his Joker voice today, almost 30 years later.

Hamill felt similarly intimidated when he took on Chucky just as the Skywalker Saga officially comes to an end this December. The killer doll has been voiced by Brad Dourif since the 1988 original, so his iteration is the only version people know and love. Hamill continued by saying this:

I love Brad. It's a great responsibility, so Im anxious to see how people react because it's not the Chucky that we all know from before.

Instead of the originals origin of Chucky being the spirit of a serial killer, the new Childs Play is about an A.I. doll gone wrong. A young single mom (Aubrey Plaza) and her son Andy (Gabriel Bateman) move to a new neighborhood. She gives him a Buddi, which is a piece of technology that is supposed to be a companion and interact with other devices such as your television and smartphone. Mark Hamills Chucky was created through a set of animatronic dolls the actors interacted with on set.

Hamill explained this Chucky is like an innocent child who learns from his surroundings to become the evil murderous doll to be feared. In the movie, someone goes in to his operating system and turns off the safety controls on the doll, setting off Chuckys circumstances. Hes a more sympathetic version of the character that director Lars Klevberg has called a greek tragedy for the doll.

Oddly enough, Childs Play is opening on the same day as Pixars Toy Story 4 on June 21. The horror film has used this to its advantage with its marketing illustrating Chucky murdering Woody and his friends, but the animated film is set to win the weekend by far, with debut expectations for Childs Play between $12 and $20 million.

Are you excited for Mark Hamills Chucky in Childs Play? Let us know in the comments below!

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Marvels TV Heroes Were Considered For Avengers: Infinity War, According The Russo Brothers

Marvels TV Heroes Were Considered For Avengers: Infinity War, According The Russo Brothers

Spoilers ahead for Avengers: Infinity War. If you haven't seen it yet, look away!

It's been two weeks since Avengers: Infinity War arrived in theaters, and fans are still processing it. 18 movies and 10 years of filmmaking came to an explosive head when the various corners of the MCU combined in an epic battle against Josh Brolin's Thanos. The Russo Brothers had a giant pool of characters to play with, but many Marvel fans were hoping that the shared universe's small screen heroes would be included as well. While the studio has never revealed any plans to have that type of crossover, it turns out The Russo Brothers didn't rule anything out. As Anthony Russo recently admitted:

We made the briefest consideration of [including TV characters in Infinity War], when we're alone in a room with [screenwriters Christopher] Markus and [Stephen] McFeely, we consider every idea. We like thinking of everything. But it seemed like the story that had been told within the movies was so specific and elaborate already that once we started working through the story, we knew we had our hands full just with this set of characters and narratives.

Do you hear that? It's the sound of comic book fans' hearts breaking. While Infinity War was already a fairly dense and chock full of MCU favorites, it's even more exciting to hear that characters like The Defenders might make their way into the narrative as well. While The Russos probably made the right call for the sake of pacing, the FOMO is through the roof on this one.

Anthony Russo's comments to Variety, while somewhat depressing, is still enough to get most Marvel fans excited. If small screen heroes were once considered for Infinity War, where could they have fit in?

Perhaps the most logical place for characters from Netflix's Marvel shows would be during the scenes set in New York. Once the action of the film focuses away from Thor and Thanos, The Hulk is teleported to New York, landing in the roof of Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum. The first big conflict with the Black Order comes here, with Wong, Doctor Strange, Iron Man, and Bruce Banner attempting to fight them off. A conflict in New York would have been a great way to bring in the likes of Daredevil and Jessica Jones-- perhaps if the entire Black Order went on the mission. That, or they'd have a quick cameo disappearing into dust.

Ultimately, there doesn't appear that there's any plans for Marvel's movies and TV shows to interact-- with the exception being Phil Coulson. But given Thanos' world changing finger snap of death, one has to wonder how the characters from the MCU's small screen adventures fared in the new world.

Avengers: Infinity War is in theaters now. Be sure to check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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