Daredevil's Charlie Cox Knows Exactly Which Avengers He'd Like To Cross Over With


Daredevil's Charlie Cox Knows Exactly Which Avengers He'd Like To Cross Over With

For years now, fans have been clamoring for Marvel's Netflix characters to finally cross over with the heroes of the MCU on the big screen. This is especially true for Daredevil, who more so than his Netflix counterparts is a prominent Marvel hero with a longer history of collaboration with other big name characters. Alas, as of yet, that hasn't happened. But as long as these two halves exist, there will be questions about uniting them. Should that happen, Daredevil actor Charlie Cox already knows exactly which Avenger he'd like to cross over with, as he explained:

I have to be really careful here. I mean, I'm sure I can say this. And I'll just preface it by saying that I can't see how this would happen. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. But I have no information to suggest that this would ever happen. But it'd be really cool to see... I'd love to do something with Spider-Man.

Sometimes the obvious answer is the right one, and that's certainly the case here as it's hard to argue any of the other big screen MCU characters would make more sense for a Daredevil crossover than the Wall-Crawler. Spider-Man is one of Daredevil's greatest allies; the two share the same stomping grounds and have some of the same villains, so it wouldn't be some narrative stretch to have them meet up. Charlie Cox has spoken about this desire in the past, even hoping for a specific storyline where Spidey wears Daredevil's costume in court to help Matt Murdock out as he defends his alter-ego while preserving his secret identity. Daredevil was even a member of the New Avengers in the comics.

Charlie Cox was very careful when speaking with Collider at Amazing! Las Vegas Comic Con to not imply, hint, suggest or give the impression that this crossover is in the works or ever going to happen, but I think it's safe to say that he isn't the only one who wants to see this team up. The trick now is if there is the desire at Marvel to make it happen, figuring out how it could work in a way that doesn't provide narrative problems for the Daredevil series or the Spider-Man movies. Plus, there are the many business and production realities that make something like this difficult.

Many of us were hoping against hope that somehow the Marvel Netflix characters would get at least a small cameo in Avengers: Infinity War, but it wasn't meant to be. We still have Avengers 4 to look forward to and Spider-Man: Far From Home, along with a whole mysterious Phase 4, so the future is full of possibility that one day Spider-Man and Daredevil will finally meet up and this cinematic universe might truly become shared.

Daredevil Season 3 does not yet have an official release date, but when it does finally arrive, we know that the Man without Fear will have his hands full with the return of Kingpin and the debut of Bullseye. Stay tuned to CinemaBlend and we'll keep you updated from everything from the small and big screen realms of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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