Parks And Rec's Ben Schwartz Wants To Play A DC Hero, And It's The Perfect Choice


Parks And Rec's Ben Schwartz Wants To Play A DC Hero, And It's The Perfect Choice

In recent years, we have seen the superhero genre evolve to include some deep-cut characters. Iron Man's release showed that heroes didn't need to be household names to make serious money, and Suicide Squad showed that C-list villains could intermingle in the DCEU. With all of that in mind, it looks like Parks and Recreation actor Ben Schwartz is now campaigning to get Plastic Man brought to the silver screen DC world, and he wants the role. The actor tweeted:

There's a strong case to be made that someone like Ben Schwartz could do some solid work as Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, a.k.a Plastic Man. Ever since the character's first appearance back in the 1940s, his adventures in DC Comics have largely been defined by a wisecracking, offbeat sense of humor. Similarly, Ben Schwartz has made a name for himself with strong comedic performances on Parks and Recreation and DuckTales, so he arguably would make for a solid fit in this particular role. Per the actor's social post, it looks like he's ready to do anything to get the part.

Honestly, we're fairly on board with this idea too. After all, who wouldn't want to see Plastic Man singing in a solo movie of his very own?

As his name would seemingly suggest, Plastic Man is an extremely malleable individual with the ability to stretch, contort and move his body in insane ways. He has appeared in a large number of classic storylines and properties, like Flashpoint, Injustice _and _Young Justice, but he has never actually shown up in a live-action film; perhaps it's time for that to change. After all, if Ben Schwartz gets cast as Plastic Man, he could always call up his former Parks and Recreation co-star Chris Pratt to ask for advice about stepping into this type of world.

It's also worth mentioning the fact that this seems like an avenue that DC films are increasingly willing to explore. Justice League and Wonder Woman both featured considerably more lighthearted moments than movies like Man of Steel or Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and some evidence has suggested that this will continue with the upcoming release of David F. Sandberg's Shazam! With the DCEU showing more love to the more bizarre and fun elements of the overarching DC lore, there's ample room for someone like Ben Schwartz to step in and take on a role like Plastic Man.

Only time will tell if Ben Schwartz will ever get a chance to play Plastic Man in a DC movie. Until we learn more about the upcoming DC slate of films, make sure to mark down the December 21 release of Aquaman on your calendars and stay tuned for more DCEU updates!

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