International Avengers: Infinity War Trailer Has Rocket Cracking Jokes At Thor's Expense


International Avengers: Infinity War Trailer Has Rocket Cracking Jokes At Thor's Expense

One of the highlights of the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War will be watching Marvel characters who have never met on screen interact for the first time. A new trailer shows us what will happen when wisecracking Rocket crosses paths with serious Thor. As it turns out, it's pretty funny. The international trailer opens with Thor giving an impassioned speech about the importance of working together in order to defeat the massive threat that is Thanos. Rocket's initial reaction is far from inspired, though it turns out, he's really just messing with the Asgardian. Check out the trailer below.

Rocket implies that he'd rather just skip the whole "all hope is lost" thing, but it turns out he's just screwing around with Thor. It's not clear if the shot of Thor with the massive smile is actually what follows that moment, or just a well-inserted scene from elsewhere, but we can guess Thor felt some relief when he realized Rocket was kidding. It's possible Rocket's response in the trailer isn't even actually a response to Thor's speech in the film, it could be taken entirely out of context as trailers often do, but the two clips certainly work well together.

The trailer, from MarvelTW, also gives us another comedic moment at the end with a pair of characters who will be meeting for the first time in Avengers: Infinity War, we've seen it before, but the moment with Spider-Man and Doctor Strange is still a good one.

Just like the first Avengers film, when we weren't quite sure what would happen when characters like Captain America and Iron Man tried to work together, Infinity War is making a large part of its appeal the first interactions of all of Marvels Phase Two and Phase Three heroes with the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We got something of a tease for it all with Captain America: Civil War, but Infinity War will take it all to the next level.

Rocket and Thor is a perfect example of how some of these interactions could be very interesting, as the Guardians of the Galaxy have a much more comedic focus than most of the rest of the MCU, seeing any of them working alongside other Marvel heroes has the potential for comedy, even when the end of the world is coming down around their ears.

With March very nearly over, the April 27 release date for Avengers: Infinity War is in sight. It's almost hard to believe that it's been 10 years since the MCU experiment began. Whoever your favorite hero is, you'll get to see them in four weeks when Infinity War finally arrives.

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