Watch The Tremendous 2018 Oscars Movie History Montage


Watch The Tremendous 2018 Oscars Movie History Montage

Here at CinemaBlend, we love movies, and we're willing to bet that you do too. We write and talk about them non-stop, but every so often it is worth taking a moment to look back at the medium and recognize why we love them so much. That is precisely what happened this evening at the 90th Academy Awards, and the result is a montage that every movie lover needs to see. Check out the clip release by Good Morning America, below.

If that video does not make you want to go to your local movie theater and see a film, then I do not know what will. Though the above montage isn't particularly elaborate in terms of how it's structured, it more than makes up for it by expertly cutting together clips from beloved films like Richard Linklater's Boyhood, J.J. Abrams' Star Trek reboot (with a touching homage to the late Anton Yelchin) and James Cameron's Terminator 2: Judgement Day. It even delivers into the horror genre as well, offering up glimpses of 1970s classics like The Exorcist and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

One other thing worth noting about this video is the sheer number of eras that receive recognition here. The entire clip runs the gamut of the history of cinema, with a number of iconic images from beloved silent films, as well as some more recent films like Gravity and the Marvel Cinematic Universe's latest offering, Black Panther. Perhaps nothing makes that more apparent than the juxtaposition of Sylvester Stallone in the original Rocky with a similar shot from Ryan Coogler's 2015 follow-up, Creed. If nothing else, it shows exactly how much iconography there is on the silver screen.

Above all else, what this video really does is hammer home why many movie buffs have become so enamored by The Academy Awards over the course of the last ninety years and ninety ceremonies. The road to The Oscars is a major aspect of the entertainment landscape, and while much of it is based on looking ahead to place bets on which films will win, The Oscars ceremony is a time in which we can look back on the cumulative achievements of filmmakers from the last century and reflect on how far the medium of film has come. No matter what your favorite movie is, there's something in this clip for everyone.

CinemaBlend will bring you more Academy Award updates as the evening continues. Keep an eye on our updated guide to all of the winners and losers, and make sure to give us your thoughts on all of this year's biggest Oscar surprises in the comments section below!

Of course, looking ahead to next year's Oscar ceremony, make sure to check out our 2018 movie premiere guide to keep yourself up-to-date on all of the films set to hit the big screen this year!

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