Jamie Lee Curtis Knows Halloween Will Always Be What She's Remembered For


Jamie Lee Curtis Knows Halloween Will Always Be What She's Remembered For

At this point, Jamie Lee Curtis is an actress who needs no introduction. She's a seasoned acting veteran, Hollywood royalty, and she has appeared in numerous classic films, but her career absolutely took off back in 1978 when John Carpenter's Halloween debuted in theaters. The classic slasher flick has largely defined Curtis' career, and the actress even recognizes that it's the film that she will be remembered for when people look back on her life. In a recent interview, Curtis explained:

I recognize that it will be my biggest contribution. Despite writing books for children, all of my advocacy, all of my politics, all of my own personal journey, my legacy will be Halloween.

Jamie Lee Curtis has a resume longer than a lot of people, but it all comes back to her work on the classic horror film. Despite all of the work that she has done over the years, and all of her philanthropic efforts, her remarks to USA Today confirm that she firmly believes that Halloween will stand out as the project that fans look back on as her legacy. Considering how beloved Halloween has become in the years since it first debuted and became a record-breaking box office hit, I'd say that's definitely a good thing to be remembered for.

Of course, it also helps that Laurie Strode is a role that Jamie Lee Curtis has returned to again and again over the years. Halloween made her a star, and she would eventually go on to appear in sequels like Halloween II, Halloween H20, and Halloween: Resurrection years later. Curtis appeared in other horror movies like Prom Night and The Fog (which reunited her with Halloween director John Carpenter), but it's Halloween that has continually stood the test of time as the classic movie that has defined her career.

Now, forty years after the debut of the original Michael Myers rampage, Curtis is gearing up to once again return to the role for one more showdown with The Shape in Blumhouse's Halloween. Footage shown at CinemaCon earlier this year promises a compelling evolution of the beloved scream queen from scrappy-yet-desperate survivor to a capable fighter. Curtis seems to have wholeheartedly embraced the development of the character, and you can check out a glimpse of what she will look like in the film in a recent social media post, below!

Jamie Lee Curtis' legacy as Laurie Strode in the Halloween franchise will continue later this year when David Gordon Green's reboot of the series debuts in theaters on October 19. The first official Halloween trailer is also set to drop this Friday, June 7, so keep an eye out for all of our coverage on the upcoming horror film!

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