Yes, Black Panther Has Already Hit A Billion Dollars


Yes, Black Panther Has Already Hit A Billion Dollars

Even before it first hit theaters last month, Black Panther was crushing it at the box office. The latest Marvel venture had the highest pre-order ticket sales for any superhero movie to date, and once the flick actually hit theaters, the movie flourished even more. Over the past couple of weeks Black Panther has been inching closer to the billion dollar mark, and this weekend we are happy to report that yes, Black Panther has made over a billion dollars.

It took less than a month for Black Panther to earn a billion dollars worldwide. It's become the fifth Marvel flick to achieve that milestone; the other Marvel flicks to pull in that much money are Iron Man 3, The Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron and Captain America: Civil War. However, of the five flicks it is the only movie that is focused around brand new characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe; the other four movies feature a lot of fan-favorite Marvel characters. The other four movies also all feature Iron Man.

Box Office Mojo reported the flick hitting the billion dollar mark worldwide after 26 days in theaters. Domestically the movie has made over $562 million, and worldwide the movie has nearly achieved the same cume, at $516 million. This weekend's final estimates should be in later today.

Black Panther has already hit several milestones at the box office. There's the aforementioned pre-order sales milestone. After just a couple of weeks, the movie hit half a billion dollars at the box office, which was also a big deal, due to the limited time the movie had been in theaters. It also passed up Wonder Woman as the most financially successful superhero origin movie of all time. Clearly the movie is proving that you don't always need well-known characters to make a dent at the box office, although in addition to a cool premise the February release date and the relative lack of competition at the box office over the past few weeks likely also helped.

This weekend, Black Panther is facing off against another Disney venture A Wrinkle in Time. The former is expected to make over $40 million at the box office this weekend. The newer Disney movie, directed by Ava DuVernay, is expected to end up in a respectable second place, earning a little over $33 million. The coming weeks will see the releases of other potential tentpole movies, including Tomb Raider, Ready Player One, Pacific Rim Uprising, and of course, Avengers: Infinity War. The numbers for Black Panther will continue dwindling in future weeks at the box office, but the movie has already done what it came here to do, and more.

To see all of the movies coming up in the summer of 2018, check out our full movie release schedule.

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