What Annabelle 3 Is Going To Be About


What Annabelle 3 Is Going To Be About

The Conjuring Universe is riding high right now. The Nun debuted last weekend to easily the best opening in the franchise with $53.5 million, affirming that this horror series isn't going anywhere anytime soon. One of the next Conjuring Universe films on its way is Annabelle 3, to be written and directed by The Nun screenwriter Gary Dauberman. Annabelle: Creation, the second film in this spinoff series, was a prequel, but it seems that Annabelle 3 will be returning the franchise back to the future and a very familiar place, as Gary Dauberman explained:

That's going to go before cameras mid-October so I'm deep in prep on that now. We're bringing the franchise back home after being so far away in Romania. It's set in the Warrens' house. It's what happens when Annabelle comes into the artifact room. Much like Swamp Thing, what happens when Annabelle comes into the artifact room and how she affects her environment.

Between Annabelle and Annabelle: Creation, we basically got the full story of the titular doll's backstory, but Annabelle 3 will bring the story forward, showing what happens once the doll comes into the Warrens' possession. Once in the artifact room, Annabelle will have an effect on the other cursed objects there. We've also heard that Annabelle will terrorize the Warrens' daughter Judy and will bring things to life in a horrific, Night at the Museum-type situation. Apparently putting a bunch of cursed and evil objects all in one place can have unintended consequences. Who knew? This brings Annabelle full circle while also returning audiences to the home of the Warrens for more supernatural shenanigans, creating even greater connective tissue between the spinoff and the main series.

As Gary Dauberman told Slashfilm, production on Annabelle 3 is set to begin this fall, which is fascinating because that should mean that we will get a third Annabelle film before the third film in The Conjuring series. Of course, given that the story of Annabelle 3 takes place within the Warren home, you'd have to think that the Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga will be back as Ed and Lorraine Warren. Gary Dauberman was coy on this point, but it would be hard to have the film set in their house without them there. That said, maybe it could take a Peanuts approach and just show everything from Judy's perspective or have it take place over a shortened period, like one night when the couple isn't home.

Annabelle 3 isn't the only sequel in the works in this growing universe. The Conjuring 3 is happening, but it may be without James Wan. There is also the spinoff The Crooked Man happening at some point. And given the success of The Nun, it's probably safe to say that we have plenty of more sequels and spinoffs to look forward to in this universe in the future.

For your Conjuring Universe horror fix now, The Nun is now playing. Take a look at what CinemaBlend thought about the movie and let us know what you think. Check out our guide for all of the upcoming Conjuring Universe films, and for everything else, take a look at the release schedule.

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